Today is the first day I feel normal. To say this is nitch event would be an under statement. Now those words are from the point of view having run in a 35yr old car by two drivers who's age an average age of 70yrs. With that said the family many who have done it 25 or 30yrs were as good a group of people as I have ever been around. They are much like the Challenge family I spend my Oct. with. Zelda a 1981 Z28 box stock in every way saw us though with only a few minor hick ups we were put between the blue blood p62 police cruser and the Grizwalds wagon. O and the Porsche Carara GT Who just chose to rided with us because we were cool. In 7 days we drove over 7000mile 6 tracks 3 tarnados and lots of good times. Got my mag today see a story about a black Miata/Honda but did not see any one I new from GR. The fast guys were just that fast two from Palmbeach were very fast and won overall. Like I said Zelda just wanted to say thanks and so do Gig and Doug. Ps if any one needs a carmin original inter for a 81 z28 my # is 904-814-1428 give me a call.