Guy takes a Mk2 Jetta, guts it, throws in a VR6, MID MOUNTED, with 2 Turbos!
To add to that, center locking lugs, Lamborghini F1 brakes, and some of the craziest suspension layouts i have ever seen!!!

Rear Suspension

Front Suspension
Kinda makes my wildest dreams seem understated! I love the machined uprights. I could use one just to sit on my desk!
I really don't know what to say.
So not a VW though :p. Nothing left.
Cool tube frame ground up build though :)
9/9/10 12:36 p.m.
splitime wrote:
So not a VW though :p. Nothing left.
Cool tube frame ground up build though :)
I see the builder is in Michigan. I think that explains the extensive use of original steel. Basically, this what you have left after 20yrs of Michigan winters.
All that work, you'd think he'd start with a 2 door Jetta.
He should give it to me. Now. well, not now, he should finish it up first.
That is sweet. Reminds me of the Alfa 164 Pro Car.

Everyone knows the best builds start with "step one: Buy bright orange wheels".
Zomby Wolf, the 4-door will allow a little better engine access, necessary in a DD like this !. Can't wait to see the finished product.
SlickDizzy wrote:
That is sweet. Reminds me of the Alfa 164 Pro Car.
drool..drool There is soo much win in that picture, I have no idea how it was all contained in that photo.
I have every intention of undertaking builds of that magnitude when I graduate and have a real job.
Wow. Funny though that you would start with a jetta. I mean.. that's a pretty soulless E36 M3box. NOW it has sould, but man, start with something that at least looks cool enough that you could impress the guys and the girls. I've wanted to tube frame the MG for a while now.... maybe I should be that guy.
All criticisms aside, the work is great. Those uprights are smokin'.
9/9/10 4:33 p.m.
The Jetta was free? I'd probably even build a Honda if I got everything at the cost he did. This is gonna be one badass DTM killer machine when it's done.
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
Wow. Funny though that you would start with a jetta.....
Well, if he was making it into some sort of streetable car, it would make for some very low insurance rates. Also might reduce the theft risk (although the huge fender flares might give it away a bit).
BTW, what exactly are "Lamborghini F1 Brakes"?
Very nice. I love my VR6. This woud be an excellent way to run one...
Teh E36 M3 wrote: Funny though that you would start with a jetta.
I assume he really, really likes Jettas.
That threads makes me wish forum software had a "show only posts from the OP" button. There were 11 pages in the thread and I think there were 8 posts with pictures/info from the OP. The other 344 posts were all "ZOMG, this rocks", "subscribed", "holy XXXX in a toaster" (seriously - post 246), etc. I just want to see the car.
Anyways, enough complaining. That's an impressive build. Regarding the "Lamborghini F1 brakes", I assume he means they are discs from when an F1 car from 1989 to 1992, when Lamborghini supplied engines to F1 teams. I thought F1 wheels were always ridiculously small though (13" or 14" diameter), why not use something a little bigger? Although if they worked for F1 they'll probably work for "Jetta".
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
Front Suspension
I do not understand this set up at all but it looks really awesome and the guy clearly knows what he is doing. Anyone got some input on this?
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
Wow. Funny though that you would start with a jetta. I mean.. that's a pretty soulless E36 M3box. NOW it has sould, but man, start with something that at least looks cool enough that you could impress the guys and the girls.
Soulless is more the reason to fill it with awesome.