late-night rant with no real point:
I think the Tesla looks great. But I like the ugly-ish Volt a lot more. Or even the hideous Leaf. Because a tiny number of uber-expensive electric cars does precisely jack for saving the environment, while mass-market electric vehicles in an "everyman" price range actually could (I suppose). Ok, I really hate those cars because they're ugly and not fun to drive. But from the viewpoint of saving the Earth, I like them.
The Tesla strikes me just like the Escalade Hybrid or other hybrid luxury cars that rich people buy to make themselves feel "clean" or to one-up their peers driving that "regular" 7-series, all while using my taxpayer-funded HOV lanes since they can do so since their Hybrid SUV gets 17mpg instead of 15mpg. While my 35mpg e30 or 28mpg WRX have to sit in non-HOV lanes. And then looking down at me for driving my "dirty" non-hybrid WRX, even though it gets 10mpg better than your luxury hybrid does.
And how much does one weigh? 4000lbs? More? Electricity comes from mostly fossil fuels. Would the Tesla get twice the range if it was 1000lbs lighter (less luxury features, etc), and if it was configured to not accelerate as fast (thereby using less electricity)? If the goal is economy, make a light, slowish car with bare-bones features that uses less electricity (and thereby less coal, oil, natural gas, etc...)
The people who drive the Teslas so they can say they're "saving the environment" are the same people living in the 7-bedroom McMansions that burn 5x as much energy annually as my normal-size house does - and that's just talking about all their big floodlights on all night to light up the beautiful facades of the houses. I'm sure there are exceptions that live in wonderful earth-friendly homes as well, but that's not the majority. I know where 3 local Teslas park. In detached garages bigger than my house. Next to large SUVs and/or other non-electric luxury/sportscars.
If people really want to save the environment, drive a tiny electric car that uses a minimal amount of (oil or coal or wind or gas or hydro-sourced) grid power. Or ride a bike. Or public transit. Or just go find a Geo Metro.
Enjoy your quick acceleration, very pretty car, and exclusiveness. That's fine by me. Just like it's fine if you drive a Ferrari that gets 10mpg. But DON'T pretend like the Tesla is saving the Earth. It's not, and Tesla drivers aren't.....
I'll care about Tesla as a company when it releases a $30k car that looks stylinsh and handles well. Then I'll know they're serious about being real pioneers in "saving the Earth."
/rant with no real point