after some gyrations, here's the only photo I've received. Looks awfully shiny for a car from the 70's just dragged across two time zones.
after some gyrations, here's the only photo I've received. Looks awfully shiny for a car from the 70's just dragged across two time zones.
That is peak SAAB right there. The only thing that got better after this was serviceability. Until it didn't. Learn the quirks and they are extremely easy to work on. Approach with an open mind. The "whys?" of the design all have rational explanations, except the water pump.
This is the new owner. I'm looking forward to the new quirks and remembering old ones - like how to get a 99 into reverse.
I've learned the story behind "idles rich", translates to spits fuel out the tailpipe. Somehow I don't think that's going to pass CO emissions. On the other hand, maybe, raw gas is not a combustion by-product.
Looks like everything is there and it goes like it should. Exhaust and shutting the door both sound like a Saab.
There was a sickening, wheezy sound from inside the dash that was disappointing, creating thoughts of vacuum leaks. Turns out the door buzzer still works. All these years and no one has disconnected it (it's kind of pointless as the doors only lock from the outside with a key. Comes from the factory that way.) I fell like I should honor it's tenaciousness and leave it connected.
I came with 5 keys. So far only figured out 2 of them. 1 for the doors & hatch. 1 for the ignition.
The rear hatch, of course, came with a broom handle.
A real shocker, the clock still works. tick, tick, tick,
Cool car! Upload some pictures when you have a chance!
A few years ago I started bidding on this 900 Turbo and then my restrained side took over. Should have placed one more bid but fears of rust kept me from doing it.
Slippery said:In reply to Antihero (Forum Supporter) :
Do it! Or send it to Cousin Eddie!!
The ad says it runs but will need towed. I have like....way too many projects to take on another
Anyone know if he's on the Enablers group?
Yumper99 said:I've learned the story behind "idles rich", translates to spits fuel out the tailpipe.
Sounds like you're halfway to some kind of anti-lag feature!
Antihero (Forum Supporter) said:Hmm...
Base model 8-valve, will be slow :-). Has an '86 or earlier front bumper and corner light. Are you in WA? Curlew ain't close to anywhere.
procainestart said:Antihero (Forum Supporter) said:Hmm...
Base model 8-valve, will be slow :-). Has an '86 or earlier front bumper and corner light. Are you in WA? Curlew ain't close to anywhere.
I'm in Idaho so, semi close
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