1984 ish vette shortened frame with either a spitfire or a mga coupe or mga body . We will widen the body to cover the vette wheels . The vette we have has a six speed and a 350 with stock 300 horsepower . we are going to sell all the body parts from the vette . We are thinking widen the body by a foot . add a shot of nitrous .

I love this plan. I hope this will be your build thread....I just added it to my favorites.
I love the Challenge a much as the next guy, but if that were my Corvette I'd be selling it for a profit.
A young man on meth ragged it out , sorta white trash car . Broken windshield nothing works . Body is worth more than the car . We are thinking 2300 pounds in total weight .
Bring it. Oh, and bring some walking tacos, too.
We are thinking weber charcoal
grill and fixings at the challenge thursday night / valve cover warm up .
if you know how to remove them without damage i could use the passenger side rear quarter panel.
i think it requires heat and patience but not sure how much of either.
fyi that's an 84-89 car. if i could see more i could narrow it down for you. definitely not a 94.
If it still has a vin it's easy enough to date it.
This is full of cool!
How much was the vette? I'm shocked you could get one with a six speed and a body like that for challenge money. Good deal.
Good stuff Karl! I now am going to have to work a little harder....
JohnyHachi6 wrote:
How much was the vette? I'm shocked you could get one with a six speed and a body like that for challenge money. Good deal.
We tow for the Sheriff it was a crackheadills car , we liened it and the TITLED owner came back and said he had sold the car . Never got paid and cracky did not take it out of his name . We cut a great deal I got it for just over / half challenge price .