Hi, Thought you might like to see our new tow and delivery vehicle.

We only recently got it and plan to use it to tow our race cars to events and move tires and wheels around for our parts business. First thing we did was throw some of our wheels on it.

They are 15x7 BRAID Winrace Acropolis rally wheels and are super-strong. We mounted some Yokohama A/T tires in 235/75-15 and are rather pleased with the result. We also mounted up a pair of PIAA driving lights as no self-respecting RALIVAN would be seen dead without some extra lighting.

and of course lots of stickers:

This is one of the cars it will be towing:

Of course we plan a few more modofications but nothing too radical. Just a bit of RALLY-BLING. Mud flaps are a must and we might add a couple more lights to the front. We ordered a Mercedes grill too as the Dodge one is falling off. We are also planning on replacing the dampers with Bilsteins or KONIs and maybe a K&N air filter as well as more stickers.
Although only a 2005 it already has 250,000 miles on it so we won't be flogging it very hard even though it runs great. Already suffering from Sprinter cancer but only surface stuff, mostly around the windshield and right in the middle of some of the body panels. Have to take care of that soon. It needs a windshield anyway so popping this one out and painting the surround will have to be coordinated.
I love driving this thing and am looking forward to many happy miles, some more mods and conversing with fellow Sprinter owners on this forum. BTW you can see bigger versions of the pictures here: Team Illuminata
If you have any suggestions or questions let me know. :)
Now the van is officially the Michigan RALIVAN

Also got a Mercedes grill today:

Had to peel off the hood mounted chrome strip after bolting it in place. Left a terrible mess of goop that took half a can of Goop Off and a gallon of elbow gease to remove.

but worth it

OK, needs a chrome Mercedes star and apparantly theres a trim that goes round it too.
Ian F
11/4/11 1:15 p.m.
Cool. I've seen a few M-B conversions. I didn't know they covered the cut-out for the M-B badge with a chrome strip.
Needs a roof mount light bar and amber strobes.
11/4/11 1:22 p.m.
Should have gotten the Freightliner tags to go on it.
250,000 miles? Good, your past the initial break-in period and can start opening her up a bit.
Get rid of the MB logo on the grille with another driving light.
Hot damn, I love those! Looks miles better with the Merc grill and Braids. It's almost too nice to tow with!
Bigger mud flaps and more lights pls.... awesome van!
11/4/11 3:13 p.m.
I like it a lot. Where does one even GET braids in the US? their website wasn't terribly helpful.
A GRM sticker would increase the horsepower and torque by 20%, lower the drag coefficient by 10% and redline the awesome meter.
mndsm wrote:
I like it a lot. Where does one even GET braids in the US? their website wasn't terribly helpful.
Probably from this little place called Team Illuminata Motorsports.
There are those that call me....TIM?

11/4/11 4:26 p.m.
Derp, I can read "parts business" was in there.
I love the van.
I've wanted one of those since they came out. I made the mistake of going to Dodge's website and "building my own". I made the mistake of spec'ing one with a long wheelbase and high roof and the price scared me away for a few years. Low roof and short wheelbase is what I crave now.
What's a good used one go for these days?
I want to be more like you when I grow up.
(lets see, 28 now, should be grown up in another ten years)
Did you have to cut the hood for the Mercedes Emblem to fit? Or is that hidden underneath the chrome trim?
11/4/11 10:41 p.m.
I love me some Sprinter! Make sure to post driving impressions along with empty and towing mpg... 
SnowMongoose wrote:
I want to be more like you when I grow up.
(lets see, 28 now, should be grown up in another ten years)
Everyone should endeavor to be more like Pauly. That guy is just plain living the life.
Nice. Just watch out- the Sprinter that my place of employment owns likes to grab onto it's glow plugs and never let go- resulting in the need for a new cylinder head. But that could be because it's the most abused vehicle in all of human history, and that's it's only problem. The damn thing refuses to die. And yes, it's starting to rust, too.