[Edited for retro feel. Thanks, Dr. Boost.]
You guys who live for the groovy Old School issue of GRM (which will finish production in the next day or so) should consider subscribing to our sister magazine, Classic Motorsports. It's far out, man. It's got the same hands-on approach as GRM, but for older cars. Don't listen to the man, man; this thing's the cat's pajamas.
Right now we have a good cross-promotion deal: just $9.99 for a year of Classic. Go to the link below and use the promo code: GRMCMS. Peace, brothers.

5/30/13 4:19 p.m.
Not one "groovy" or "far out" in that post. FAIL
5/30/13 4:40 p.m.
I'm a CM subscriber and can vouch it's top notch.
OK, you talked me into it. Just signed up. Do I get a free MG or anything?
How long can I procrastinate and still get the deal?
5/30/13 5:08 p.m.
When is said Old School issue scheduled to mail to subscribers?
5/30/13 5:52 p.m.
Thanks Alan. Much like Lloyd Christmas. You TOTALLY redeemed yourself!
kreb wrote:
OK, you talked me into it. Just signed up. Do I get a free MG or anything?
You might end up with an MG, there's always that risk.
There's a fun comparison coming up, too...
New Reader
5/30/13 7:01 p.m.
Already in.
However, a 10 yr $100 special sure would save all those renewal notices. 
M030 wrote:
When is said Old School issue scheduled to mail to subscribers?
I don't have my schedule in front of me right now, but we're basically wrapping up the issue tomorrow. I think that means you'll get it about week and a half after that. Sometimes longer, if you live in the boonies.
6/18/13 12:11 p.m.
I check the mailbox every day and I'm beginning to wonder, "will it ever show up"?
It did make it out West by now...
Where is the crossover point (or slope) between GRM and CM?
6/18/13 1:07 p.m.
Ido t even live in the boonies. I'm in a major metropolitan area & still no Old School issue..
OK, I tried your link. Not sure if it worked. It never asked for money, so I guess I'll just wait and see if a mag shows up in my mailbox.
scardeal wrote:
Where is the crossover point (or slope) between GRM and CM?
It is generally 1980 or so. Cars older than that go into CMS, cars newer into GRM. There are some exceptions, and more than a few cars that fit into both publications nicely, but 1980 is sort of a delineation line.
CMS also has vintage racing reports, top notch auction coverage, and information on what to buy next etc. It is a lot like GRM for the older machines.
6/18/13 2:32 p.m.
M030 wrote:
Ido t even live in the boonies. I'm in a major metropolitan area & still no Old School issue..
I got mine on the 15th, I think.
6/18/13 3:30 p.m.
Well let's see if my GRM is waiting for me after work......
Got mine yesterday! Great issue. The addition of the "Great Moments in Challenge History" is so cool. Please keep that going.
Also, pretty much everything in the issue is what I personally want to see in the future. I love the Old School theme, and the new format looks good too. Do you guys do an issue like this every year? If not, make this a permanent yearly fixture. It's awesome.
This offer is for the Dead Tree version, correct?
This was a really good issue.