InigoMontoya Reader
2/18/09 3:56 p.m.

It was a fun read, looking forward to the wrap and another project.

Read the rest of the story

Yani Reader
2/19/09 5:42 p.m.

Loved the Saab articles. Is there another rally car project on the horizon?

friedgreencorrado UltimaDork
3/1/09 11:25 p.m.

So Per...does this mean you finally got an engine in it?

Seriously, a really cool car. Is there a vintage rally group in the US?

djm092rally New Reader
3/3/09 10:11 p.m.

it was great following the build-up of the car in the mag, then actually seeing it at STPR last year. i think you guys should always have at least one rally car in your fleet, and im sure many of your readers would like to see that. keep up the great rally coverage and the great mag. ill be waitin for the next rally project for sure. keep up the great work!!!

Per Schroeder
Per Schroeder PowerDork
5/8/09 4:01 p.m.

After staring at the Saab rally car in our office showroom for months, we came to a realization: Our project is done. It's fun, safe and sturdy—what more could you want out of a rally car? Our schedules are pretty tight this year, so we're not going to be making it out to any rallies as competitors. We'll be wrapping up the editorial on this project in an upcoming of Grassroots Motorsports. The short version is that we replaced the in-block water pump with an electric version and it keeps the car plenty cool.

With that said, we'll be placing the Saab up for sale. We need to free up garage space for our next project. The price is $9999 (or best offer) and represents a phenomenal value for getting out on stage reliably and safely. We would consider partial trades.

If you're interested, contact Per.

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