Ya I know street racing is bad and all that so just dont bother saying that but I really like the look of this P71
Now this one is just comical.
So you think your cobalt is bad a$$. The comment form the cobalt driver at the start just made me giggle. I have got to get me a P71 painted in chalkboard black paint. It would make it the ultimate family car and scar the crap out of punks as well (or just get me shot at depending on the neighborhood I go to)
CV versus Honda at the track.
Am I stirring the proverbial P71 love-em or hat-em pot? Ya but I am sure that all of you will keep it civil. .. . At least though the first page.
some people like em, some don't. true of anything.
I LOVE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's true, they are comfortable too.
I have nothing against P71s.. I do have something against thinking that a nearly 4000-lb car is something really special with a 281 ci engine. They just don't make exciting torque for me.
Of course, I do own an Impala SS, so I'm a little biased :)
ignorant wrote:
Dang it You are killing me. Coffee out the nose all over the keyboard.
I expected a rapid response but dam!!!!
Back at you Ignorant!!! You made my morning!!!. . Well now afternoon.
I agree about the small motor big car. I think it is the illusion of being fast aka thrust or torque that you feel when a 4k car starts to scoot. I always loved big heavy American cars. I have had several cadillacs and Lincolns and the P71 is just another variant of that the happens to Handel better and scoot a bit faster.. . . Wait there was my 73 olds 98 regency with the 455. That was a level of "road yat" that only cadillacs of the ERA come close to. That monster would scoot! It had an alternator and a generator to power everything.
Oh do I miss my gallon to the mile portable living rooms.
how hard can it be to swap out the Mod for a windsor, say, 351? an extra 70 inches plus cheaper parts.
Hell, get the right aftermarket block and you can get a windsor out to 427

Someone HAS to make this fit.
neon4891 wrote:
how hard can it be to swap out the Mod for a windsor, say, 351? an extra 70 inches plus cheaper parts.
Hell, get the right aftermarket block and you can get a windsor out to 427
welp, panthers came with that motor from the factory. furthermore, anywhere you can fit a mod motor there should be plenty of room for anything else. Won't bolt up to your 4r70w though.
slantvaliant wrote:
Someone HAS to make this fit.
blower won't fit under the hood, which is why the marauder only got the 5.4 and not the blower. of course that doesn't mean you couldn't throw a turbo or two at it.
Strizzo wrote: ... blower won't fit under the hood, ...
That's why we have sawzalls and fiberglass.
LSx swap boys...

I LOVE the old LT1 Impala SS, they are just beyond my price point. If I could afford it I'd dump my P71 for a clean Green 96 SS in a heartbeat.
Strizzo wrote:
blower won't fit under the hood, which is why the marauder only got the 5.4 and not the blower. of course that doesn't mean you couldn't throw a turbo or two at it.
I'm 98% sure that marauders have a 4.6
3/28/09 8:36 p.m.
Make that 100%. We have a bunch of them here for the Florida Highway Patrol. Cops love em.
I'm not sure if they were built in the St. Thomas, Ontario plant that built the Vics, but in 02, I was towing the 03 challenge parts car home when I stopped for a bite at one of those highway service centers.
Eating my Wendy's burger, I watched a bunch OPP's (Ontario provincial police) crawling all over a half dozen real cool looking, all black Vic's with big chrome wheels.
Asking around, I was told they were a new performance car, and the cops were testing them for Ford.
I don't know how much truth there was to that, but they were pretty cool, and I forgot all about it until I read this. 
So, speaking of crown vics, I replaced the brakes on my uncles old man spec crown vic (standard, not P71) a week or so ago, and was pleasantly surprised at how well it ran, I didn't expect a car of that weight with a 4.6 to do much more than get out of its own way, but it was respectable.
This leads me to two P71 related questions. 1) what are the main mechanical differences between a P71 and std CV? 2) can anything be done to improve the steering feel on theses things? The power steering was so grossly over boosted that it felt like steering by wireless remote control. Maybee cops and old men like it like that, but I don't think that I could come to terms with it.
curtis73 wrote:
I have nothing against P71s.. I do have something against thinking that a nearly 4000-lb car is something really special with a 281 ci engine. They just don't make exciting torque for me.
Of course, I do own an Impala SS, so I'm a little biased :)
Word! Man is it hard to find a 9C1 these days that's not beat and rusted to death.
HappyAndy wrote:
This leads me to two P71 related questions. 1) what are the main mechanical differences between a P71 and std CV?
Not much; slightly revised shock valving, a couple extra coolers, and an additional accessory electrical circuit. The rest is academic/cosmetic. Maybe a different rear axle ratio?
P71's also have stiffer anti-sway bars and springs. But other than that the rest is aesthetics and durability.
P71's are all about durability. Power steering cooler, trans cooler, oil cooler, stiffer springs, bigger sway bars, tougher shocks. Engines are identical. Rear axles are 3.27 LSD or better and most non-P71's have a 1-wheeler with highway gears. It's super-easy to cross everything over so if you find a cheap regular Vic it's a great buy.
The steering got changed with the frame on all Panther-chassis cars in 03, they went from recirculating ball to a rack and pinion and it feels a lot nicer. Plus better suspension and brakes (Ford stole the brakes for the 05+ Mustang GT).
Marauders do NOT have a 5.4, they have a 4.6 DOHC much like the 99 and 01-02 Cobra's and 03-04 Mach 1's. Superchargers can fit under the stock hood on the 4.6 2V but all of Ford's factory blower efforts are on the 4V/DOHC.
9C1's are the E36 M3 but they are all crushed or restored to big $$$ levels around here.
I still want an Impala SS...
3/29/09 1:22 p.m.
Marauders= Lord Vader, your car is ready.