I am planning to repaint a rally truck during the season break. It is all fiberglass minus the cab and doors. The problem the truck had this season was all of the paint being blasted off the panels.
Does anyone have any tricks or know of any paints/ primer systems to increase the durability and bonding of paint to fiberglass? Beadliner is not an option as being in the dust5 constantly would look too poor.
10/18/10 11:49 p.m.
Some flex additive might help with chips. Or go with vinyl but it may get ripped up too. Rattle can for quick touch ups???
10/19/10 1:08 a.m.
If prepped right paint should adhere to fiberglass equally if not better than to metal. Focus on a good prep job and your paint should hold up.
perhaps a gelcoat over raw fiberglass to avoid it soaking all in?
10/19/10 6:46 a.m.
I would use an etch primer. Don't bother with a flex additive; this is fiberglass, not urethane (and it doesn't do much anyways).
10/19/10 9:45 a.m.
I have no advice, but we need pictures of said rally truck.
In reply to former520: I use Rust Bullit. Most of the time silver for a primer coat.
In reply to former520: I use Rust Bullit. Most of the time silver for a primer coat.
might be a bit more spendy and perhaps slightly heavier, but vinyl wrap it? just gotta make sure the underlying fiberglass is in good condition with some paint on it (or just vinyl over the gelcoat), and you don't have to worry about the paint reacting differently to the metal and the 'glass pieces and giving a slightly different color. and if you stuff it into something, the vinyl might serve to hold the battered panel together so you don't have to re-mold that particular fender/hood/bumper/bedside/whatever. only problem other than the cost and weight was already mentioned, might be more prone to ripping if you get really friendly with a lot of bushes or are required to bring a group of people in the forest a shrubbery 
I would post up a picture, but I am unsure of the policy of posting a linked picture. I don't want to upset the photographers and have them not take any more pics.
But if you go to this page it is the black truck when you scroll to the bottom.