Say i wanted to make a glass sunroof body color, instead of clear.
I know vinyls are probably the right answer, but i have a couple of rattle cans of matching close enough color.
Can i? Should i? Is it going to look like candied dog crap in a week, cause the glass to compress into a black hole, result in thermal differential causing the temperd sheet to become tempered bits?
Hell, will it even stick for more than a day?
The only success I've had painting glass was to rough it up horribly and then primer/paint.
Here is an odd idea: Paint the inside of the glass with whatever the elementary schools have the kids use to paint the windows in the schools.
If the goal for painting the glass the body color is to try to make the car look better or look more respectable...this will likely not achieve that goal. What about the rubber around the glass? Do you intend to paint that too in classic Macco $299 fashion?
If your goal is interior heat and light reduction, I think I would attack the problem from the interior side. Some reflectix or similar insulation from the inside might work.
I would vinyl it. At least when it doesn't match you can pull it off. Vinyl is the cheap and easy button. If you really wanna make it look cool, you could also vinyl the roof black to match the sunroof and still get sunroof functionality.
The sunroof is deeply tinted from the factory. It's also broken. I am planning to seal it shut permanently. Wanted to turn the glass white like the body color to make it blend in better. Sounds like I'm making way more work for myself that I really need to.
In the aquarium world we painted the back glass all the time and it looked good. But we would paint the outside of the back. The smooth glass would give a nice finish and would come off easy with a razor blade. I say go for it but paint the inside and if you have doubts grab a practice piece of glass.
If you can sandblast it first it should stick pretty well and look fairly decent. (We did this on accident once.) I suppose a person could attack it with some *very* high quality sand paper and get the same results, but glass takes forever to sand by hand IME.
I wouldn't worry about any thermal issues.
4/13/19 12:51 a.m.
If trying to scour glass quickly just get a polisher with the velcro style backing pad and stick steel wool or a scotch brite pad to it. 
Plastidip White.
Peel off in one sheet if it doesn’t fix your problem.