I was on line the other day looking at restoration parts for the hopfully soon to be mine 1963 S22 project. I found several places that specialize in them. One had the get a free paper catalog so I requested one and it showed up about a week later. The almost one inch thick book has been calling to me for almost a week. Well today I had a bit of down time so I plunked my self down in the big easy chair with a hot beverage and started flipping through it.
After a while I realized just how much fun it is and how much I missed doing this.
On line catalogs are here to stay and when I order from the company that I got the catalog from it will be on line but having the paper catalog to flip through and dream about all kinds of future restoration projects and upgrades was somthing that is just lost with the on line ordering.
Browsing is definitely much harder online. Which is probably good for my wallet, but much less fun.
I hate online catalogs. I enjoy flipping through paper ones.
I love my Demon Tweaks catalog. It's better than porn.
We get a spike in sales every time we kill a bunch of trees. It's not cheap, though, in time or money. I'm wading my way through another edition right now.
I ordered some door travel limiters from a shop that specializes in 1948-52 pickups, or something like that. It was total parts misuse, they had the look I wanted for something else. They came with a catalog that looked as if it had been individually printed out and the cover hand-colored. I felt so guilty, all that effort wasted on me. I'd never order from them again.
Meanwhile, the Speedway and Jegs catalogs go straight in the recycle bin. For real research on commodity parts, I go to the site.