It's the first one I've seen in person, someone at work bought one. A few thoughts:
- I thought it was pretty ugly in photos. It is definitely 10x worse in person. None of its lines flow, the wierd flared-ish fenders look absolutely ridiculous. Those front lights are just as strange in person as they are in pics.
- In pics, the rear end is rarely seen. Probably because from behind it looks like they took a Versa, jacked it up, and redesigned the tail-lights using a kaleidoscope. Very, very wierd.
- Glanced at the interior. Nothing terrible about it, but nothign special about it either. It was so unremarkable in its overall appearance I really have nothing else to say about it.
- SIZE. In pics, I always got the impression that it was around the size of most smaller SUVs, like an Escape or Rav4. Not even close, the Juke is TINY. There was an impreza hatchback parked on the other side of it that looked huge in comparison. I was totally surprised at how small this thing is - I can't see how it can possibly have any utility at all for much of anything other than maybe getting through some snow that's slightly deeper than what other subcombacts can handle.
Overall, I just came away wondering what the point of this vehicle is. I guess it's supposed to be sporty, but the tallish stance and skinnyish/non-performance tires on it tells me that it's not much on cornering. And from what I've read, it's not any faster than a small SUV (Rav4, for instance) in stright line. Throw in the lack of cargo space or towing capacity and I really just don't get it. It's really just a turbo'd Versa with seemingly less interior space and big tires. What's the point?
someone has tried working with it...

First time I saw one in person, a buddy with me commented on just how much $$$$ it'll be to replace one of those long, tall tail lights when--not if--one breaks. Like from cleaning snow/ice off it.
They should take that 1.6 liter, 188hp engine and put it in something more deserving.
11/19/10 4:03 p.m.
I stopped and saw one at a dealership.
Agreed, much smaller than I thought. With the front seat all the way back there was no way of getting someone in the back seat. My wife has a Versa and there is oodles of room behind a tall driver.
I think "sport-y" is beginning to mean the same as the "sport" in sport utility.
Look at the whole Scion, Soul, etc class. Big, tall and boxy is the new sporty. Quirky characteristics are more desireable than handling characteristics.
Also lumped into this group are the ZDX, Pannamera, Crosstour, etc.
These tall cars are making my '95 Volvo 850 look long low and sleek.
I had the Volvo wagon parked next to a new Sentra sedan. The Volvo was shorter (lower height) than the Sentra by a lot.
I have started liking the Panaramadingdong.
hey, if your ancestors weren't the best looking generations ago.......

DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
someone has tried working with it...
meh....and the result being a car that kind of looks vaguely like a Subaru STi, but with a mediocre suspension, mediocre AWD, Pep Boys lights on the hood, and half the horsepower....
yep, still not working for me.
pete240z wrote:
hey, if your ancestors weren't the best looking generations ago.......
I really like the rear of the F10. That is all.
m4ff3w wrote:
pete240z wrote:
hey, if your ancestors weren't the best looking generations ago.......
I really like the rear of the F10. That is all.
I like this picture....this is what the up and coming building contractor is driving in 1977........

In fact, something needs to be done over at Nissan. They really have lost their way. I'm not sure what's worse: the Puke or that useless $45,000 Moron-o Convertible. 
In reply to triumph5:
I read about the Juke on MotoIQ and Mike Kojima (who has insider connections with Nissan) said that it's in some ways a testbed or technology demonstrator for the new engine. You can expect it to show up in other models in the upcoming year:
yeah, they really need to go buy a clue. I also take offense every time Im forced to look at that abomination that Honda/Acura is putting out. Honda has 2 turds, Nissan has 2 turds...whats next a Rav2 coupe from Toyota?
I hart my TERRAIN!!!!
Oh, and an added note: When two Subaru owners (Irish44j and I) call this thing ugly, then you know it's pretty bad! 
11/19/10 5:47 p.m.
I saw one today on the way home, I x-1 billion your sentiments, but, and this is a big but, it was rolling next to me on the highway (45mph - traffic easing up) and the guy must have floored it and it took off, alot faster than I would have expected...
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:
yeah, they really need to go buy a clue. I also take offense every time Im forced to look at that abomination that Honda/Acura is putting out. Honda has 2 turds, Nissan has 2 turds...whats next a Rav2 coupe from Toyota?
I hart my TERRAIN!!!!
Correction: As a long-time Nissan guy, I can honestly say they RUINED the Sentra, particularly the SE-R. Turned it from one of the hottest affordable compact sedans out there to one of the least desired these days.
Majority owner of Nissan is Renault (44% iirc). Renault makes some really ugly cars.
You might be on to something there.

Yes, the latest Sentra is based on the Renault Megane, which was pretty awful in it's last incarnation. There may be hope for the next generation, however.

Some versions actually look pretty cool:

I wouldn't kick that out of my garage, especially if it had that new Juke drivetrain and weighed 2400 lbs.
OK, OK, looks are not it's thing.
So who's driven one?
The commercials I've seen emphasize the oomph, it has 188 HP turbo, and Raze said it moved out nicely.
I'm willing to forgive some butt-ugly for some go-goodie.
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
someone has tried working with it...
Beat me to it. I would rock the E36 M3 out of that car.
It's also sad... they got so close. If you look at this particular one... get rid of the stupid sliver headlights on top, and use the "fogs" as headlights, and smooth out the flares a little bit, and you've got a pretty damn good looking car.
Some ugly, yes, but horridly misshapen horrendousness?
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:
yeah, they really need to go buy a clue. I also take offense every time Im forced to look at that abomination that Honda/Acura is putting out. Honda has 2 turds, Nissan has 2 turds...whats next a Rav2 coupe from Toyota?
I hart my TERRAIN!!!!
Um Pumpkin - I know taste is a personal thing, but I'm not that much more fond of the Terrain's nose than I am of the Juke's.
Hasty photochop, but you get the idea.
It's the damn healights. They've gotta go.

In reply to 93celicaGT2:
MUCH better.