aussiesmg SuperDork
12/24/11 11:43 a.m.

Wow, this is so awesome, even if it is a reproduction

jrw1621 SuperDork
12/24/11 11:56 a.m.

Is that a hot pipe next to your right side shoulder?

Kram New Reader
12/24/11 11:58 a.m.
jrw1621 wrote: Is that a hot pipe next to your right side shoulder?

I'd be more worried about the spinning driveshaft under my privates!

Curmudgeon SuperDork
12/24/11 12:00 p.m.

Not to mention a driveshaft just below your goolies? Better not disable the speed limiter.

oldopelguy Dork
12/24/11 12:04 p.m.

The driveshaft is enclosed on that driveline, FWIW.

jrw1621 SuperDork
12/24/11 2:43 p.m.
jrw1621 wrote: Is that a hot pipe next to your right side shoulder?

What do you think the plunger looking thing does? (left side hand)
Is that the shifter, the hollow metal tube at about 7 o'clock of the steering wheel?

stuart in mn
stuart in mn SuperDork
12/24/11 3:57 p.m.

The plunger is for pressurizing the fuel tank, to push fuel to the engine.

Curmudgeon SuperDork
12/24/11 4:14 p.m.
oldopelguy wrote: The driveshaft is enclosed on that driveline, FWIW.

Ever seen the pic of the Jensen's floor after the driveshaft let go? That's still a cool car, even if it is a repro.

a401cj GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/24/11 5:07 p.m.

hot pipe? spinning shaft right beneath your nads? You guys are too wussified. Remember, you'll be doing close to 190 down the back-straight in a tee-shirt, open face helmet, and maybe not even wearing a seatbelt. Seeeesh

fast_eddie_72 SuperDork
12/24/11 11:22 p.m.

Man, that is awesome

SlickDizzy GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/25/11 12:18 a.m.
a401cj wrote: hot pipe? spinning shaft right beneath your nads? You guys are too wussified. Remember, you'll be doing close to 190 down the back-straight in a tee-shirt, open face helmet, and maybe not even wearing a seatbelt. Seeeesh

Quoted for truth!

44Dwarf Dork
12/25/11 7:25 a.m.

don't forget one hand on the steering wheel the other pumping up the fuel tank. Whos got the key i want to drive it!

Curmudgeon SuperDork
12/25/11 8:22 a.m.

There was a Mercedes Simplex? race car way back when with open chain drive on both sides. It took two people, a driver and a mechanic, the driver, well, drove. He ran the throttle, steering and brakes. The mechanic had to work a manual engine oil pump (!), chain oilers, manual fuel pump and also had to adjust the brakes. He was definitely a busy guy. Seems those cars had drum brakes which could be cooled by an onboard water sprinkle.

jrw1621 SuperDork
12/25/11 8:42 a.m.
Here is a little commentary about the car from its current owner.

Picture with a driver.
Note the t-shirt, open helmet and lack of seat belt.
If link not working, find picture in here...

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
12/25/11 8:53 a.m.

A guy in my car club has a car almost identical to that, but it is not a reproduction. The fuel "pump" is on the right on his, and it's powered by a Ford tractor motor with a race head. It only turns left. Seriously. You can go straight or left. He hit his mailbox the first time he drove it because of that. Push start only.

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