Hey all, it's been a while. Due to not having any car shows, track days, or autoxes this entire summer, I've had to find something else to do with my time. So I've been making YouTube videos focused on retro computer restoration and modern products. Hopefully it might be of interest to some folks here.
Back in the day I worked in the Kmart Appliance department and we had droves of guys buying those C64's. Many other guys would come in and peruse the software case.
They had a clearance on the Timex Sinclair computer and my brother and I jumped in to realize that we didn't want to do programming.
I spent a significant portion of my formative years in this cockpit.

I'm not sure "Pong" is a good memory...
bigdaddylee82 said:
I spent a significant portion of my formative years in this cockpit.

F-19 Stealth Fighter? I can hear the intro music in my head now. Amazing what they accomplished with a 1Mhz cpu and 64k of ram.
You guys and your fancy C64s. I had a VIC-20. I still have a school report on optics that I did using the computer. It's on cassette and required switching graphics modes a few times. I can't imagine what my teacher thought.
in case anyone happens to be in the market, I have one sitting around
Commodore 64 system, okidata 10 printer, and floppy drive
I had that exactly same printer back in the day! The market for retro machines has been heating up quite a bit. As you have a complete set with original boxes you should be able to do very well selling those.
The C64 was the first machine I ever bought for myself (the family computer was an Apple IIc at the time) and I have a lot of nostalgia for the system. It's pretty crazy how big the retro scene is these days with new software releases coming out daily and new hardware upgrades pretty frequently as well.