So I need to rip out the dash of the Miata this weekend to replace the heater core. I know there are methods to replace it without taking the dash out, but I'm going to use the opportunity to fix some broken mounting points behind the dash. (The left side of the dash is loose and rattles and is driving me nuts). I also have random screws showing up under on the floor, and I'd like to find out where they are from.
Question is, what is the best plastic repair epoxy/glue/etc. to do this? And where can I pick it up?
Thanks in advance!
Most of those parts are ABS. Provided there's enough area to build a fillet around the broken bosses you're reattaching, JB Quick is great stuff. Let it thoroughly cure before applying any load though. Anything like a small tab that gets sprung into position though is a goner. For those you may as well get creative and pop rivet on new tabs made of thin steel or slightly less thin aluminum.
The "tombstone" on the dash of my NA was thoroughly buggered by someone who tried to remove it w/o pulling the eyeball vents to access the upper screws. I ended up springing for a new one.
Permatex Plastic Weld > Permatex Epoxy for Plastic
if it's abs, - soldering iron and a few bits of scrap abs.
hmmm..maybe this plus a 20% coupon.
So i did buy the plastic welding kit. It got the job done, but the tip broke off as I was finishing up. It kept bending while in use and just fatigued. I'll be returning it for a replacement.
On the plus side, my dash is now rattle free! I fixed four plastic screw tabs and a couple of cracks.
And no more coolant smell from the heater core! Woohoo! Its been a productive afternoon.