4/2/13 1:35 p.m.
I love you guys, but if you'd like us to try hard (and bring well prepped cars that have well executed), waiting this late doesn't help.
Waiting 6 months of the year to post the rules only encourages procrastination. I am good enough at that already. Please don't enable me. 
Is there any good reason that we can't just adopt the rules from 2012?
Would you like some help reviewing them? I am willing to volunteer.
I'd LOVE to see the rules posted early, but also ALL the results from ALL previous years remaining accessible. Understanding what works and what does not- that's how good cars are built.
Looking for data on this site (like rules, or results, etc) from this event is about as easy as nailing Jello to the wall. It's exciting, and there are rumors of success, but it sure can be messy! 
Any guesstimates?
Rules? what rules, I don't need no stinking rules. 1 rule= 100 exceptions and 50 corollaries.
4/2/13 1:57 p.m.
I'm getting repetitive...but sure, I'll play along. I would also really like to see the rules ASAP.
The first rule of the challenge is you don't talk about the challenge...
4/2/13 2:26 p.m.
Nashco wrote:
I'm getting repetitive...but sure, I'll play along. I would also really like to see the rules ASAP.
Yeah, well Tom asked us to start a thread and email him. I'm just playing by the rules. 
Yes, they will be up by the weekend.
4/2/13 3:46 p.m.
Sorry Margie... I was looking for the laugh.
I have no complaints about you guys.
No, Paul, you're good. My frownzes are self-inflicted wounds. Look for better support and info from us from this point forward. We've put our best people on it.
4/2/13 4:07 p.m.
She meant her best people and Tom. 

4/2/13 4:08 p.m.
Tom Suddard wrote:
I'm your best people?
Well, it's gonna be an interesting ride, that's for sure.
(I thought about taking the cheap shot, then realized pissing off the future of this site was probably bad)
Yeah, sorry about that--somehow some things fell through the cracks. We're on it and had a good discussion about the event this evening.
Been wondering about this as well. glad to hear you guys are on it.