we voted on Saturday.
SVreX wrote: Tomorrow is free coroplast day.![]()
New target backing for everyone.
My wife and I take the kids with us after work to vote.
pinchvalve wrote: Not one candidate has ever addressed any of my biggest issues. They chase headline issues and don't care about the rights and lives of their constituents. Out of touch, rich A-holes who are only interested in helping to advance their career, influence and help their cronies. When a real candidate appears, I'll get out and vote. Until then, it will always be one jerkwad or the other, so who cares? Nothing will change in my life.
I am just curious: what are your biggest issues? Mine are the out-of-control national debt and the steady erosion of our personal freedoms, as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. And you are right that neither party seems to care much. Well, occasionally you hear a rogue voice like Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul, but they get ignored or shouted down.
Maybe I've sniffed too much gear oil, but I am excited to vote today, because I'm voting third-party in every race I can. That's right - I'm throwing my vote away! No Kang or Kodos for me this time.
ALWAYS Vote only missed once over the last 20+ years when I got stuck on the other side of the country on a work trip for a couple days due to weather related flight cancellations. It was a presidential election too. That sucked.
pinchvalve wrote: Not one candidate has ever addressed any of my biggest issues. They chase headline issues and don't care about the rights and lives of their constituents. Out of touch, rich A-holes who are only interested in helping to advance their career, influence and help their cronies. When a real candidate appears, I'll get out and vote. Until then, it will always be one jerkwad or the other, so who cares? Nothing will change in my life.
It's not a democracy if you don't vote!
keep in mind that the US form of government ISN'T a democracy … it's a representative republic … a big difference for what is basically the same sorta thing
Just got back from voting... that was the nicest and quickest experience ever in voting. Might have something to do with the poll being in an old age home?
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I really don't want to, but I will. It's just the same old crooks (and new crooks too!) running for office. It's basically deciding who's not going to kick me in the balls the hardest.
That will always be the case, until people stop buying the Republicrat line that third-party votes are wasted votes. I left about half the lines blank on my ballot this morning because I didn't like the candidates, but I voted for everybody I believe in. That's never wasted.
wbjones wrote: keep in mind that the US form of government ISN'T a democracy … it's a representative republic … a big difference for what is basically the same sorta thing
nah... that is the BS you are told to tell everyone by your handlers.... we are experiencing Corporatism... have a nice day
yeah I voted......
In reply to bluebarchetta:
Where do I start? When is the last time you hear a politician talk about Father's Rights or fixing the horribly outdated custody and child support laws? These are things that directly affect me, my family and my income every day. And while you could make a case that the war with ISIS somehow affects me daily, I am not personally writing any checks.
We have a big governor's race and both candidates talk about two things: jobs and what to do with gas drilling money. Experience tells me that neither candidate will be able to do a darn thing to keep or create jobs, and even if you vote for one plan over the other, you already know that their word is worthless. Add to that the fact that I am neither rich or poor, so nothing the government does will ever help me, but I will have to fund all of the programs that help others. And wether you make the gas drillers pay or not, the money won't go to me or my kids.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:SVreX wrote: Tomorrow is free coroplast day.New target backing for everyone. My wife and I take the kids with us after work to vote.![]()
Just got back from voting. No coroplast, all of the signs were paper based.
Duke wrote:SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: I really don't want to, but I will. It's just the same old crooks (and new crooks too!) running for office. It's basically deciding who's not going to kick me in the balls the hardest.That will *always* be the case, until people stop buying the Republicrat line that third-party votes are wasted votes. I left about half the lines blank on my ballot this morning because I didn't like the candidates, but I voted for everybody I believe in. That's *never* wasted.
I left one of the spots blank on my ballot because I just can't stand the idiot who is running unopposed (Hank Johnson). He's still better than Cynthia McKinney though, but that's not saying much.
pinchvalve wrote: In reply to bluebarchetta: Where do I start? When is the last time you hear a politician talk about Father's Rights or fixing the horribly outdated custody and child support laws? These are things that directly affect me, my family and my income every day. And while you could make a case that the war with ISIS somehow affects me daily, I am not personally writing any checks. We have a big governor's race and both candidates talk about two things: jobs and what to do with gas drilling money. Experience tells me that neither candidate will be able to do a darn thing to keep or create jobs, and even if you vote for one plan over the other, you already know that their word is worthless. Add to that the fact that I am neither rich or poor, so nothing the government does will ever help me, but I will have to fund all of the programs that help others. And wether you make the gas drillers pay or not, the money won't go to me or my kids.
So you are saying that until the elections give YOU short term personal gains you will not participate?
You know why politicians don't represent YOU? Because YOU don't vote.
I'm neither rich nor poor and am not on any gov't assistance. But you know what? I have an opinion on what gov't should tax and assist, so I vote. I want a politician that does represent my interest, so I vote. I want to bitch about my gov't and what they are or are not doing, so I vote. I want to tell my children my opinion counts in our society, so I vote. Lots of fellow Americans fought and died to give me the right to vote, so I vote.
I voted last week. (Early voting in Maryland) Since I own two separate pieces of property in this state, though, don't I get to vote again?
My personal philosophy is that I refuse to vote for any candidate who is running unopposed. I always simply leave that spot on the e-ballot blank. Some people don't realize that you can do this. But you can, and I do. Voting isn't really voting if there's no one running against them.
mad_machine wrote: Just got back from voting... that was the nicest and quickest experience ever in voting. Might have something to do with the poll being in an old age home?
All of the local ones here are in Christian Churches......
In reply to Cone_Junkie:
Exactly, one thing I think we all can agree on is "You vote to reserve your right to complain about the outcome" When I hear people complaining, I always ask "Well did you vote?" Usually that answer is no, followed by a polite "Well shut up then"
yamaha wrote:mad_machine wrote: Just got back from voting... that was the nicest and quickest experience ever in voting. Might have something to do with the poll being in an old age home?All of the local ones here are in Cristian Churches......![]()
That guy has his own churches? He's definitely a shoe-in for Governor!
I'm 61 years old, never voted in all my life time, never even registered.
At first I wasn't really there, away at college and then off looking for work.
Then I wasn't aware, too much else going on, wasn't up on the issues or the candidates and such.
Now I don't care, seems like the union voting blocks and big money make the decisions. As long as Social Security stays in place for a few more years and I can cash in before they make the changes for the new applicants, I'm golden.
Honestly, this place can go to Hell. As long as I get a check each month, have three good guns, enough ammunition, and a fast get-away car . . . I don't really give a good crap.
You all have to remember, back then the choices were Nixon, McGovern, Humphrey, Muskie, Carter, Mondale, and a whole host of other clowns and idiots who weren't fit to hold ANY office. A non-vote was a fine option——
It's 65 and sunny here ... rode the bike to the polls.
Got a little lost on the way back ... accidentally went 66 miles of mixed dirt/gravel and paved twisties somehow. Got a puncture/slow leak in the rear tire or I might still be lost.
TeamEvil wrote: I'm 61 years old, never voted in all my life time, never even registered. At first I wasn't really there, away at college and then off looking for work. Then I wasn't aware, too much else going on, wasn't up on the issues or the candidates and such. Now I don't care, seems like the union voting blocks and big money make the decisions. As long as Social Security stays in place for a few more years and I can cash in before they make the changes for the new applicants, I'm golden. Honestly, this lace can go to Hell. As long as I get a check each month, have three good guns, enough ammunition, and a fast get-away car . . . I don't really give a good crap. You all have to remember, back then the choices were Nixon, McGovern, Humphrey, Muskie, Carter, Mondale, and a whole host of other clowns and idiots who weren't fit to hold ANY office. A non-vote was a fine option——
So you didn't like the voting choices 40 years ago and refuse to vote ever since?
I wouldn't be so sure about your SS being available to you when the time comes. There are quite a few politicians that want to re-work the whole system. But who cares, you didn't vote.
oldeskewltoy wrote:wbjones wrote: keep in mind that the US form of government ISN'T a democracy … it's a representative republic … a big difference for what is basically the same sorta thingnah... that is the BS you are told to tell everyone by your handlers.... we are experiencing Corporatism... have a nice day yeah I voted......
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