OK GRM'ers I need an opinion.
I am in the last steps of my brake upgrade and have them torn down for powdercoating.
If you were installing 4 pot fixed calipers on all 4 corners of a green 40 year old italian microcar what color would they be?
I want them to stand out so hiding them with black is not an option. I know red is just passe these days thanks to duplicolor, single piston sliders and the import tuner crowd but everytime I see a wilwood or brembo advertisement I cant help but think how great it looks.

The car in question

Either chromed or yellow.
Silver will just blend into the wheels, everytime I have held yellow up to the car it looks terrible, Chrome perhaps? I will ponder that one.
Why not green?
Perhaps see if you can powdercoat them to look like an Italian flag?
i'd go red, perhaps with a prancing horse decal
81gtv6 wrote:
I like this idea. Probably what mine will be.
81gtv6 wrote:
Wouldn't be white for long. I vote gunmetal or a deep bronze
That car is awesome, btw.
+1 for deep gunmetal, but if you can, have a small Italian flag on there somewhere as well, perhaps three colored ovals? (look at the bottom right of the back panel of a Ferrari shirt right by the stitching or the back of a Ferrari hat cut to be worn with a headset and you'll see what I mean) or three pinstripes around the edges of the pistons, one red, one green, one white? if you're rebuilding the calipers, might as well add some little details that put it over the top cool
oh, and see if you can get the manufacturer or the model name painted or engraved on the calipers, much in the same way Porsche or Aston Martin do it (for painting) or whatever company engraves their calipers (for engraving, obviously)
+1 for the Italian flag, that'd be sweet
honestly, if you are going with 4 pot calipers.. you deserve to paint them red
2/18/10 7:48 p.m.
Have you looked at having them anodized?
For colors I like a candy green or purple.
2/18/10 8:26 p.m.
First Green, then White, and lastly Red. In that order. (Plus 1 for the Italian Flag.
Then add a red/green italian style stripe like you see on the Fiat 500. 
mad_machine wrote:
honestly, if you are going with 4 pot calipers.. you deserve to paint them red
This.......combined with a nice red in the powder cupboard cemented it for me
I just need to have the custom brake lines made up and I am good to go.
Sadly one got dropped and chipped immediatley after coating....Oh well I dont have to worry about that any more

Red or car coloured. Nice 850, btw.