Hey all, removing my motor today and wanted to get some ideas on what color to paint my motor.
Unusually, I do care about how this car looks and want it to be a nice looking car. Inside and out.
That said here is a picture of the bay and the car, Give me some color ideas! I'm open minded so anything from neon colors to black is ok with me.

Gold with metallic red valve covers
Same color as the body. Or black works.
Green and black work well together. Add in some copper or gold accents, and it will look pretty good.
Another vote for body color with contrasting accents.
Body color would look good if you're just doing the valve covers and some accessories, but if you're doing EVERYTHING then you need more contrast.
I've always wanted to paint a block white. So my vote to white block with a mixture of body colored and white accessories.
green car, you can definitely get away with gold on the valve cover.
Gold and green look great together
Either Gold or body color with gold accents.
Initially i wanted a white block a lot, only thing is keeping it clean will be a major pita.
Im liking the copper and gold ideas being thrown around, on my own time i though orange (like the old sbc's) or an aqua/teal type color. however if i had an aqua block i think copper or gold accessories would look great in the car. opinions?
feel free to tell me that the idea is terrible if you actually think it will be a bad look
An aqua block with gold or copper accessories sounds good on paper, but there's no good and affordable way to make things gold or copper-colored.
could try bronze too for a slightly different approach
Metallic spray paint? havent looked at prices yet.
bronze in now on the list of possible accessory colors. Gold, copper and bronze; in no particular order.
Purple was my first thought...But copper would look great too.
make it a "The Hulk" themed car? LOL
maybe a dark aqua color?
The engine bay is currently too dark. The green cuts out a lot of bright colors (reds and oranges would look weird) gold's and bronzes would look good. White would be awesome, but failing that a bright silver with as much metallic as you can find would add brightness and sparkle.