Guys, I am about to go out of my mind. My 987 Boxster started leaking some weeks ago and we've had endless rain here in Atlanta ever since. One small leak at the window seal, lots of leaking through the door cards, and it keeps getting worse. I'm having to get the shop vac out to suck up puddles every time the sun comes out. It's sunny today but there's rain in the cards for the next *8* days thereafter.
I've been reluctant to take the doors apart on this car because the trim on my old M3 never fit right after I reinstalled the door components. 
What's your best advice?
Get a car cover. My miata turned into a bathtub overnight and with constant rain a car cover saved me. Then I could figure out where it was leaking without rushing.
Make sure the top drains aren't clogged. Gotta take the top down and then you have access to the flaps that cover those drains IIRC. Door panels come off easily and should go back on without an issue too. I don't remember well but I think it's just a plastic sheet vapor barrier.
I bought a trombone cleaning snake for a few bucks and snaked the side drains (they were fine) but the drains in the engine bay are super tough to get to and I couldn't force the snake in. They looked totally dry though.
What tools did you need for removing and reinstalling the door cards? Did you reseal or replace your vapor barriers?
Through the door cards? Are the drains in the corners of the doors plugged? If you shake the door, does it splash?
Sunroof drains are a very good spot to start.
Ironic username
I'll second the trombone brush. There are two drains in the forward corners of the top compartment and two underneath the battery area. You can test them by pouring a little water in.
The foam bottom in the top compartment is a prime area for leaking too.
This is the case with my 986 anyway, I assume the 987 is similar.
If you have water coming through the door cards, I'm not sure what that would look like, but it sounds like you don't have a vapor barrier or maybe the water is running down the inside of the window. That's a weird one.
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
The bottom part of the door cards is carpeted -- rain dripping into the door gets the carpet wet, then water drips into the interior and forms pools in the foot wells.

3/9/20 2:07 p.m.
This is the passenger floor and firewall behind the seat. It was quite wet as the dense 1" insulation was retaining the moisture. I just happened to be gutting the interior and had not seen any sign of moisture other than here.

nderwater said:
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
The bottom part of the door cards is carpeted -- rain dripping into the door gets the carpet wet, then water drips into the interior and forms pools in the foot wells.

How does the door hold enough water to get up to the door card? Do Germans not have drain holes where the door skin joins the body of the door?
If that were a Miata I would guess that one or both roof cables need adjusting or were bad. The cables hold the top taut along the top of the door glass when the roof is up. Do Boxters have this? For the door cards to get wet rain would have to be making it's way past the roof edge and down the inside of the glass.
yupididit said:
nderwater said:
I couldn't force the snake in. They looked totally dry though.

yes, I think that may be the issue too.