In response to this, Elon says he's taking the Model S to the Nurburgring. That should lead to a motor overheat which should lead to upgraded cooling on next year's model (which should involve fixing the fundamentally flawed cooling system layout). Good stuff!
yupididit said:
nderwater said:
In reply to GameboyRMH :
Worse that Touareg, Tiguan, Arteon, or Routan? It's like the VW Group's branding team just gave up because 'all the good names were taken'
Doesn't each of those names have an actual meaning? I see people get upset about cars being named with random letters and numbers and now we're mad at actual names lol
How about putting "model" in the name of your car model? lol
Very cool. Very pretty.
Abusing the term "turbo" like that gives me an easy sour-grapes to match up with the fact that I'd have to be rolling around in millions to spend that kind of money on a car.
To borrow a quote, said reproachfully: "Words mean things!" At least until marketing gets their hands on them; I appreciate the earlier post about the effect on the level of understanding in the general population.

9/6/19 2:52 p.m.
Am I the only one who stopped reading the OP at the first sentence? When I got to the part where a car with Turbo in the name is "all-electric". I don't care to know anything else. That is all I need to know.
Reminds me of Brawndo.......Turbo, it's what your car craves!.
nimblemotorsports said:
How about putting "model" in the name of your car model? lol
Meh. There's reasonably solid precedent. Model T?

Yes, using Turbo in the name is silly but so what. Cars have had silly names for a long, long time, it's not like Porsche broke new ground here.
9/6/19 5:59 p.m.
Wait until someone arranges to buy one through Costco, and then a week later realizes there is no turbo in his turbo? This seems a lot more like false advertising than giving a car a funny name.
stuart in mn said:
Yes, using Turbo in the name is silly but so what. Cars have had silly names for a long, long time, it's not like Porsche broke new ground here.
"Taycan" is silly. "Taycan Turbo" is inaccurate. That's the bit that bugs me.
On-track ride-along video from the Porsche Experience Center here in Atlanta:
I've driven many laps on that track in 911s, 718s and Panameras... by comparison, this new car hustles.
It seems like fantastic car, but the marketing description is a total turn off.
According to Mrs. Google, Taycan is pronounced "tie-kahn" and means "a spirited young horse" in Turkish. So now we have a turbocharged electric horse that seats four people. Oh, and a "leather free" interior. Marketing - yuck.

quick look on Google brought this up.....
Porsche Taycan Starts At $150,900, Most Expensive Is $241,500
9/7/19 3:50 p.m.
kid@heart said:
Oh, and a "leather free" interior. Marketing - yuck.
When will people realise that almost no cattle are raised strictly for their hides?
Leather is a byproduct of the beef industry. If you're not using leather, you're actually wasting a part of the cow that has already been killed for other purposes.
I used to get fussed when Chrysler insisted on calling their new V8 a 'Hemi' in 2003 when it wasn't (it was technically an engine with polyspherical combustion chambers) . They had made polyspherical 318s for some years but abandoned accurate terminology when they came out with the new engine in order to cash in on the ignorance of the buying public.
Ditto the Opel GT - the European version of the Saturn Sky, even though they were all convertibles and therefor not GT cars at all.
Labeling an electric car a 'turbo' surpasses those in advertising perfidy , but I think that anyone misled by this probably doesn't deserve the truth
New Reader
9/7/19 4:08 p.m.
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
Oh. Come on now. You were in SC long enough to pick up the multiple pronunciations.
Pea-can pie
Butter Peckon ice cream
Pick-can trees
9/7/19 7:56 p.m.
In reply to Jordan Rimpela :
Sorry Jordan. Nothing wrong with your words I'm sure, just couldn't continue because of the utter silliness demonstrated by Porsche on this one.
californiamilleghia said:
quick look on Google brought this up.....
Porsche Taycan Starts At $150,900, Most Expensive Is $241,500
Depending on state incentives (like CA), you could buy up to 4 Standard range Model 3 Teslas for one base Taycan. And instead of paying nearly $250,000 for one car, you could instead buy 2 'Raven' Model S Performance(es?) and STILL buy a standard range Model 3 on the side. All of this gains you a massive charging network.
_ said:
In reply to NickD :
... Finally, a Porsche that won’t kill you dead because the engine is in the wrong spot.
Most (by sales volume and by model count) Porsches are front-engine SUVs and sedans. And there's the mid-engine Cayman/Boxster. Only the 911 is rear-engine, and few people actually buy them; even fewer drive them hard enough to notice where the engine is.
New Reader
9/8/19 6:04 a.m.
In reply to californiamilleghia :
Pick-can truck just sounds better than pea-con truck. Say it out loud a couple of times. Peas-con is just too pretentious in any use other than as an ice cream flavor. ;-)
Now back to the really fast Porsche “turbo” golf cart.
'turbo' is not even correct for turbocharged cars, it is 'market speak' for exhaust driven turbine. ;)
Tesla's set a 4-door record on Laguna Seca with a Model S in response. Apparently Porsche chose an excellent time to set a Nurburgring record since it won't be possible to schedule any record attempts on the 'ring for a while:
In reply to GameboyRMH :
a Tesla spokesperson provided Road & Track with the following statement: "Tesla is excited to be a part at the Industry Pool testing community next week at the Nürburgring. Our participation is confirmed and contracted by the Nürburgring."