Looking to do a fly and drive on a Boss 302 in Phoenix Arizona.
Can any one recommend a PPI familiar with fords located in the area? I've done some googling but figured I'd check with yall.
Potentially a 2100 mile drive home and I'd like to make sure my ducks are covered.
Now hidea in regards to your question and I am likely to go through the same thing as well. Following.....
Slightly related topic. How has that been working for you shopping around to find the car you wanted? Did you communicate via e-mail or text or by phone calls? I have been doing e-mails and text with poor results. They don't seem interested on providing better offers or deals other than the price list online.
A modern Boss 302 or a classic?
The modern one is just a Mustang GT with fancy suspensions bits and a spiffy intake manifold. Any Ford dealer can give you a run down on its general health.
10/19/20 11:41 a.m.
If you can't find a specialist, I'd too recommended a Ford dealer to do a multi point inspection on it. They already have a form and a system in place to do them for up sells, and will have seen many Mustangs.
I just hope it's a proper boss in which case a road trip log is in order.
It's a 2013 Boss 302. i wont go into why I want a modern car, but i need something reliable that is fun to drive. and we'll leave it at that.
I posted on a facebook group after seeing many people complain that no one was willing to pay xx,xxx dollars for the cars and that they had sold them for even more to Carvanna. I had several people reach out. Two were cars that were beyond my interests. (one was pristine with 4k miles and an insane price. One was 60k miles with a sleeved motor and a gigantic turbo pushing 900 rwhp.) one was a white car with full cortex suspension for a a reasonable price. (this one)

I'm mostly interested in the peace of mind and ease of letting someone else review it before I take time off of work to fly across the country and potentially have to fly back wasting two days. (and the delta is the same as a round trip ticket vs seeing it in person).
The carfax is clean with one accident that the owner declares was a cracked wheel by someone he loaned the car to. He had the police document it in order to ensure that the people paid.
I actually have wasted my time three times now on other cars. One was a 2017 GT350 the turned out to be badly wrapped, had a damaged radiator, and was denied a new motor for oil consumption b/c the owner had never taken it to ford for oil changes (and thus had no maintenance history). That time I only wasted 5 hours of my time.
I will be doing a travel log if I do go through with this.
Turst me, Im not criticizing you on going with a modern Boss. I dont know why anyone would want one of those prmitive soda cans from the 60's - at least from a driving perspective. But like I said, a Boss 302 is essentially a Mustang GT with track shoes. The main issues are going to be if it the engine was tuned and if the MT-82 is holding up. 2013 is a good year both for the engines and the MT82.
Have a Ford dealer do the PPI and ask them to verify that engine is on its original calibration, to do a compression test, and provide you with the OASIS report. Unfortunately, with the MT82, you wont be able to tell if it has a good one or not without driving it.