What do you guys do for winter preparation?
How many of you put a car in storage over winter? Any good tips for that?
What do you guys do for winter preparation?
How many of you put a car in storage over winter? Any good tips for that?
I'm planning on storing my Mustang outdoors over the winter (provided I ever get my Eclipse back). I used to store one of my RX-7s outside as well. I followed many of these tips for storage and revival:
I also use a crapton of dryer sheets in just about every nook and cranny to keep the critters out.
Sta-Bil. The green C lived in the back yard for dang near a year after I got laid off. We moved in the middle of January this year, I just aired up the dead tires to move it to the new place (about 4mi of low-speed 2 lane away). I put a battery in it, and it fired right up. I let it sit again until about 2wks ago, the black one died (I'd been DDing it), so I swapped the good tires onto the thing..and it fired right up again.
I don't know what's in that stuff, but from my decidedly unscientific survey, it works.
I suspect most of your readers are better able to take care of their cars than I was at the time..
EDIT: RexSeven is right..dryer sheets. Mothballs stink, and the mice won't touch the D-Con until there's absolutely no food left in the environment (I lost one of my BMW 2002s that way). By the time they're hungry enough to touch the D-Con, they've already built a colony in the damn car.
Maroon92 wrote: What do you guys do for winter preparation? How many of you put a car in storage over winter? Any good tips for that?
Before I bought my Cherokee before last winter, my preparations were...
A) Install hard-top B) Install snow tires C) Rain-X the side windows 4) Make sure wipers were decent enough for when I had to actually look through the windshield while transferring my view from one door window to the other.
Now that I'm not driving a Miata in the snow, I put it on jack-stands, and institute critter-control protocols.
A bit of Stabil in the tank, and fresh oil in the case. I also jam the clutch pedal to the floor with a piece of wood jammed against the seat.
WD-40 on brake rotors, with a note on the steering wheel to remind me that it's there.
Just normal stuff.
I get up a little early and have a little deicer on hand. That's about it. The cars stay outside and rough it.
Last year the E30 went to the back yard, parked on 2*12's to keep it from sinking, stuffed steel wool in the intake and exhaust pipes, put a cover on it and that's it. The battery died, but after a charge it started up with little drama. While I'll do it again if I have to, hopefully it'll find a more loving home for this winter.
I didn't do a thing to my van back in Dec. of '05. Over a year later, it started up with a fresh battery like it was nothing. Modern EFI is an amazing thing.
Miata is being stored outside this year. Stabil, float charger, desiccant in cabin and trunk, tarp over the whole thing wheels chalked, stored on my ashphalt driveway with a fairly steep grade which keeps under the car fairly dry.
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