All righty.
The dealer said it would be 5 days to get the rest of the nuts and parts in and they'd call when they did. I got super busy and after two weeks with no call I just went by. They had everything but 12 nuts.
they were confused and said that the nuts were now showing in the warehouse but they didn't have any.
I finally just told them to stop looking and just call me (again) when they arrive. They said the next morning.
and sure enough, they came the next morning.
but then we went on a 5-day camping trip with the fam and nothing happened. Until yesterday.
I bolted everything together to make one complete gen2 battery pack with gen4 modules.
(before putting the case cover on:)

I used this video to get it out and then just stepped it backwards to reinstall to make sure I didn't miss anything.
the only part that was a little tricky is when you install the top black fan vent on the right, start by putting it in the case, making sure it's not caught on anything. Then it will slip onto the fan. Don't spend 10 minutes trying to do it the other way.
I was a little nervous when I put the plug in, because if I messed up (for example, if I put the order of the modules in backwards) I could have a high voltage problem. But it all went back together without incident and seemed to be good!
I had heard that a new/rebuilt pack sometimes triggers the warning light when started up and can do it for several ignition cycles. They recommend cycling the ignition many times if you have the problem.
also, I know the voltages were all low so I didn't know what kind of problems that could cause.
turns out, none!
this is what I saw when I first turned it on:

I was pretty stoked. But after about 15 seconds, it looked like this:

and it went down another bar before I got out of the garage.
super bummed, I remembered that this is what it was doing before - it would show a decent charge and then drop to nothing and flash the lights and go into limp mode.
I figured I still needed to move it out of the garage so I pulled it out and it never flashed red. So I kept driving around town. For 10 minutes I drove (in B for max regen) and watched the battery charge go slowly from one bar to two, to three, and to four before I got home.
At this point I figure that the initial reading of a decent charge must have been residual from before and then it updated on the new pack. I forget what they are supposed to be at but it definitely isn't the 7.51v they were at.
later last night I drove another 15 minutes and it is now one block from fully charged.
so I'm going to call this a win! I will do another post with all of the part numbers and links I would recommend.