BSI Racing looked over our Miata garage find. Had the years of stasis damaged anything? Hey, at least it looked good, right?
The good news: No warning bells went off. BSI Racing thinks that the fuel system is okay–just drain the tank and replace the filter. We have a new pump, so they’ll toss that in. Then they’ll …
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I'd probably want to get those injectors cleaned. Even if they're not clogged, they're probably not going to have optimum spray patterns.
Keith Tanner said:
I'd probably want to get those injectors cleaned. Even if they're not clogged, they're probably not going to have optimum spray patterns.
Oh yes. That's on the to-do list.
I just posted a piece on my blog that pertains to storing vehicles.
The post also contains information on what to protect when the car is stored but also what to do after it is taken out of storage.
There are many areas that need more than just looking at. Tires, brake fluid, the battery, corrosion at terminals, flushing the cooling system, replacing the fuel and the filter. Remember to pre-oil the engine after changing the oil and filter. Also, check that critters have not chewed on wires and upholstery.
Jean Genibrel