When we found our car, it had been sitting outside for quite a while. The years and elements had not been kind. But while the car was badly faded, it was mostly original paint, as only the left rear quarter and a bit of the taillight panel had been repainted.
To add insult to the injury that this poor car …
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cool. good PDR folks amaze me.
Would really love to see some DIY on paintless dent removal. It seems to be a big secret.
Yeah, I get that it's a skill, but everyone starts somewhere, and Mrs. BDT's car looks like a golf ball after parking under a tree for 10 years.
The PDR guys are more secretive than a CIA double agent.
Show you how you do a simple door ding? I'd have to kill you afterwards.
There’s a bunch of good stuff on YouTube.
As you can see, it starts with some pretty serious tools and special lights. He was still using those lights in the bright Florida sun.
I had a PDR guy took out a nasty dent in my FJ and wife's lexus. This was our first time using a PDR guy. I couldn't believe the after. I saw him work, he was literally like magic with his hammers, heat, etc. Car looks perfect after. Cost me $270 for both.
Guy was interesting (old guy, in his early 60s). Says he makes a living, fixing hail repair in the midwest for insurance companies. They call him, when they have 10-12 cars, he goes out and takes his crew there and knock it out.
Lives out west, drives midwest, works for insurance, makes big $$ staying out for 8 weeks, and comes home.
Truly an artform.
I always use brake fluid for dentless paint removal.
Oh... wait...
Cool thread. 
I'll try to save it but....