I stumbled on this build thread. It is a great read and a great car as well. It also gives insight into what it takes to compete in the challenge.
You know, if GRM had a normal web form we could have more posts like this here. Just a thought... . . But what do I know?
Hint Hint Hint. .. . . Loose this dam forum software. It looks looks like a C6 ZO6 but drives like a Toyota Tercel EZ with on bad cylinder and a blown strut.
I miss the build threads too, but nothing is stopping you from starting one.
As a web developer, I'm not sure your summary of the board is exactly accurate. It runs well (I've never had a speed issue) and it's far more custom than any "boxed" solution. It's a hell of an undertaking, and I'm a little bit jealous of the skills that put it together.
I prefer a more conventional forum too, but the guys have their reasons for wanting this one.
On the upside, the last round of changes said that it now supports BBCode, meaning that posts written in a normal forum should be abl to be C&P'ed over here.
There's nothing about that thread that can't be done here, far as I can see.
And remember, your profile contains a whole lot of preferences. If there's something you don't like, there's a fairly good chance you can change it to suit you.
And if not, send me an email with your specific beef. We're listening--notice the addition of email notifications and bbcode, which ya'll requested. The more specific you are, the better. "It sucks" doesn't help nearly as much as "I don't like X because..."
By the way, I've got something up my sleeve for build threads, but it's not quite ready for prime time yet.
Uh-the board didn't stop my build thread 
I think the lack of build threads comes from this not being a marque specific forum. The only thing most of us absolutely have in common is the challenge. Posting a challenge build thread is kind of like showing your hand in poker before betting because you're so proud of it.