Three hosts who are pure car guys and seriously good drivers. A track all to themselves. A crazy range of machinery. No fabricated drama.
It's pretty much the perfect show.
I was lucky enough to hang around the shoot for a day or two earlier this year, and I can tell you this is a very genuine bunch of enthusiasts who are a lot of fun. The fact that Parker Kligerman can explain the plot and subplots of Driven in worrying detail tells you a lot. Proving Grounds is back for season 2 starting this Sunday.
Watch the preview and you might get an idea why I might be a little excited for it.
You had me at “no fabricated drama”!
Looks great! How do you watch it?
And where can i binge season 1?
I looked away, thought I heard a rotary and had to rewind it.
You had me at "no fabricated drama"
....lost me at terrible Air Force "flyer mustache" 

Mustache is fine, lack of ability to watch online is the problem.
There may not be fabricated drama, but there is some screwing around. This is shot at Chuckwalla, and when you take a bunch of hyperactive and intelligent car guys and effectively put them in isolation together for a week, things can get odd. Like the used car saleman bit. But you also get in-car of Sam Smith drifting an M2 around and ranting in his stream of consciousness style, which could be a full 30 minute episode in itself. Then you have to figure out how to get a new set of rear tires for an M2 in Chuckwalla because Sam wouldn't stop sliding the car around as he put his thoughts together.
I'll bet Ford was really puzzled about why their Mustang came back with bald front tires of a different model.
SnowMongoose said:
lack of ability to watch online is the problem.
Hahaha is that what they say? 
That looks really cool.
I've deleted my ineffectual rant about TV packages, but the upshot is that apparently I won't be able to watch it.
I've finally got my $65/mo Internet-only Gigabit fiber connection locked in, and I will bask in the happiness about that rather than fuss over missing one show.
I'm not thrilled that it's so freakin' hard to watch either, because I've found out that I'm going to be stuck sitting at my sister-in-law's place while Janel plays with neices and nephews this weekend. But I understand it does show up on regular rotation as filler on NBCSN, so maybe you can go to a sports bar and catch a rerun or something.
Definitely looks to be worth a watch. Added to my list of recordings on YouTube TV (highly recommend this for those of you who have "cut the cord", price has gone up a little but still the best way for me to be able to watch sports/racing, and has unlimited DVR, which is pretty much how I watch everything).
9/9/19 10:05 a.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
I have no idea who Sam Smith is, but I will check out the show. Thanks for the heads up.
Sam Smith writes for Road & Track. He's hilarious and very much one of us, but a better driver than most.