Just cruising ebay as I often do, and spotted this TR8. What makes the ad unique of course, is how well it illustrates the 'Merkan lifestyle...You have to look at the 10th photo down in the listing. The (faux?) Ferrari in front of some big blue truck, all parked in front of what I hope is not a living structure with an assortment of used office chairs out front for guests of course.
Just thought the photo was funny
The Ferrari is interesting, actually...
9/22/09 1:10 p.m.
Man, TR7/8s look good with a rollbar installed. I always thought they needed something there to balance out the rear a bit, appearance-wise.
Not to mention what looks like a big fat racing tire next to the office chairs...
9/22/09 2:53 p.m.
Kentucky plates - them's my people - although they may take a little grief for havin some of them furrin' cars.
9/22/09 3:19 p.m.
They're doing it wrong - they're using old office chairs where a good old used couch belongs. Then again they own ferrin' cars in Kentucky so they're obviously good at doing it wrong.
That's the "captain chair" option instead of the bench seat on the porch.
pigeon wrote:
They're doing it wrong - they're using old office chairs where a good old used couch belongs. Then again they own ferrin' cars in Kentucky so they're obviously good at doing it wrong.
Hey now.
When I lived back home 3/4 of my car purchases were ferrin' cars.
all of mine are, until I buy that G8 anyway....
Can't help but notice he wants a $2K "deposit". Kinda makes me wonder what his reserve is. (last bid as I post is about $1700 or so)