I'm in to the carburetor phase of my junkyard 350 build. It's the one that's been laying around my garages in pieces since 1994 that I had posted questions about previously.
Anyway, heads are ported after watching hours of Headbytes Porting and others on YouTube. Ported them because I could. I gasket matched the old iron intake too for what it's worth - likely exactly nothing but it was fun.
Short block is done and now I'm on to the carburetor. I've disassembled it, soaked it in PineSol for a few hours, regasketed it, added a new needle and seat, and carefully reassembled it. It looks like a brand spanking new carb after the Pine Sol soak. What I've noticed though is that the housing on the hot-air choke body is busted. And also, I'm missing some of the hot-air tubes that run from the intake manifold up to carburetor. My plan was to just simply remove the hot air choke and to operate the choke plate via cable. I don't have to pass visual emissions inspections and I don't even have anything to put this engine in right now anyway. But what I'm wondering about is that the fast idle cam mechanism seems to be built into the automatic hot air choke. Gee, I'd like to keep the fast idle cam. How can I do that while ditching the hot air choke?