So I went to the race last year and found several teams looking to pick up a driver on the morning of the race, but hadn't brought any of my gear. So this year, I plan to be prepared with a suit and helmet. The Chump website says that prior wheel-to-wheel experience is required (by Daytona Speedway) to drive in the race. I drove in a LeMons event a couple years back but have no way to prove it. How do they check for this previous experience?
From the supplemental rules for the ChumpCar "14 hours of Daytona":
"PLEASE NOTE! Daytona International Speedway has
REQUIRED that all drivers in this event have prior road
racing experience. That's wheel-to-wheel ROAD RACING
experience -- not tractor pulls or fairground demo-derbies or
lawn-tractor racing. We're talking FIA, ChumpCar, SCCA,
NASA, Barber, LeMons, or with some other recognized sanctioning
I don't know if they really check that though. They are pretty lax about a lot of requirements if you seem to know what you're doing.
Lof8, that is some news. I had no idea teams would be looking for team members at the start of the race. What was the cost?
In reply to Xceler8x:
Don't think that's a sure thing. Only happens if a driver drops out at the last minute or a team hasn't been able to fill all their seats, which is uncommon.
Yeah, "several" was a poor choice of words. I spoke to 2 different car owners who had openings to drive. Both were looking for around $6-$800 if I remember correctly.
A better approach would be to get on the chump forums and talk with any teams looking for drivers weeks/months before the event.