11/8/13 1:12 p.m.
So, everybody is going LED accent lights on cars now. I've noticed though, the LED lights turn off when the turn signal is on (when the LED is not the turn signal). Does anyone know why? I can only assume it's because the bright, white, LED lighting could optically mute the incandescent orange turn signal light.
Anybody know why they do this?
My assumption would be the same as yours. Many vehicles (notably Mopars) also pause the incandescent DRL while the corresponding turn signal is operating.
I believe it is DOT / NHTSA / [whatever government body controls car lighting] regulation. I'm sure it's due to the reason you cite.
The white is very bright. The amber is not as bright. You want the amber to be visible, so the corresponding super-bright set of white LEDs are turned off.
I'm sure it wasn't just the dealers thinking. I'm sure the governing bodies were part of that.
I watch the high end cars come in all morning at work and I have to admit, the amber would be harder to see with as bright as those whites can be.
I made the same assumption everybody else did. makes sense.