Sorry if this has been covered before, but it didn't turn up in the searches and I'm sincerely curious as to what everyone has to say about it. I know not everyone agrees that drifting, in and of itself, is a motorsport, but I do and I enjoy it. As I dive deeper and deeper into it, I find more and more reasons to enjoy the sport and it's very fun and highly addictive.
One reason I think drifting should be considered a grassroots motorsport, is that all walks from the well off to the often well can participate. You don't have to have a 50 thousand dollar race car (although some do), you can, in essence, bring out your 500 dollar beater, and tear-ass around the track at your leisure.
Now here's when people mention that it's judged not timed, there's no target objective and you don't ever have a defined "winner", just someone that did slightly better than you at pleasing the judges. I'll admit . . .that's all true, HAHAHAHA, but if you have ever been to an event, you'll see a very familiar sight. People checking tire pressures, novice drivers asking advanced drivers for advice, the more seasoned and involved drivers checking telemetry, speed of entry, speed of travel, angle, smoke, yadda yadda.
I probably sound like a fan boy a little, and that's okay, I'll take my lumps on that one. I just feel that drifting should get more coverage than it is currently receiving on the grassroots level. When is the last time GRM Magazine stopped by a US Drift, SouthEastDrift or Drift 411 event to do an article? I'd definitely be down for that, heck, I'd even point out the drivers to watch if they came to an event in which I was participating.
I remember the SCCA tried to start a sanction called -SCCA DRIFT-, it lasted all of a single season and now with certain fallouts from certain teams, it looks as if this will fall to the wayside. NASA has US Drift, but when you talk to Solo racers or Road racers, they give a smirk and some even scoff at the idea.
I digress . . .
I guess what I just wanted to do was just open up the forums for a little discussion and see what the REAL RACERS (you all) think about what drifting is, where it's come from, where it will go and if, at it's grassroots, it should be considered a grassroots motorsport. Heck, to add to that, if you do (or even if you do not) see it as one, should more coverage from magazines such as Grassroots Motorsports and SportsCar give us as much attention (or even half) as the other grassroots sports? Currently most people in the drifting clique are limited to e-zines and the occasional updates from friends. LOL! That's pretty sad in my opinion.
Discuss . . .