So, my Miata gets no respect from left lane bandits. I come up on them and they just continue to plod along in the fast lane at 56.5mph oblivious to the parade behind them.
My fantasy is that I come up behind them quickly in a P71 with a crashbar on the front, spotlight on the A pillar and some extra antennas and they move over pronto. I also dream that people see me in a P71 and don't run stop signs right in front of me, throw fast food garbage out the window and turn down their booming stereos while waiting at traffic lights.
What are the real life experiences of people who drive a P71 around town?
6/15/09 11:46 a.m.
I don't really remember alot ...I was maced and hog tied at the time. Rear seats were comfy,all things considered, but they smelled bad.
I peed myself from excitement. Or something like that. I think i rode in the same one JFX001 did.
6/15/09 11:57 a.m.
Remember to wear aviator sunglasses and a nice navy blue button down dickies work shirt.
I think you need a Miata with a crash bar on the front, spotlight on the A-pillar, and extra antennas....
I've got a spotlight I'd sell you. I was gonna put it in my Miata, but changed my mind. 
Would you consider the experiences of someone who drove a 2004 9C1 Impala for a while? (It was an unmarked security car: no spotlights, no push bar, but lights on the rear deck and those distinctive wheels & tires.) Yes, people notice you behind them, but in the Toronto area this has the unwelcome effect of slowing everybody down in every lane, so the previous happy traffic flow at 20 or 30 klicks over the limit becomes a nervous traffic "flow" at 0.5 klicks over/under the limit. Nobody wins this. I can't say I ever noticed anybody refrain from tossing garbage or running stop signs, but then Canadians are such well-mannered people we usually don't do that anyway. (Cough.)
What you really need to get them to move is this:

I owned a Caprice 9C1 for a while. Box body. Even in the 'burbs, where the local PD had long since upgraded to bubble bodies, people still gave me space. Out in the sticks, it was even better.
6/15/09 2:21 p.m.
Wasnt that the sidekick (or whatever) from Top Gear.
I find the Ford seats unbearable.
To each his own.
A good friend of mine drives an unmarked cruiser for a living.
He says if he sets the cruise control on 85-90, people get the hell out of the way, describes it as the parting of the seas. However, he also says if he sticks to close to the speed limit he gets stuck behind people going 5 mph slower than the speed limit.
..To be above the law... 
I have a white saab.. people not paying attention on the highway will get out of it's way. All they have to do is spy a white car behind them they cannot identify and they move over
The times I've ridden in a Crown Vic, people seem to all slow down to the speed limit, or even worse 5 under.
HOWEVER, if you flash your headlights, they get the ##### over and out of your way (then realize you're not a cop, which usually makes them VERY angry)
I've had good luck with a large, clearly legible, 7000# Ford emblem in their rear view mirror and a set of high beams that are just over trunk high. They're not even attached to a P-71. 
I love driving my P71. I drive it like it was eny other car. Yes people do the speed limit some times when I drive, but o'well. My car is a dark grey with plugs and a spot light on it. So it is a fun a car to drive and people dont seem to act like asshat's when driving it. All the Cop cars around here are black or the "panda" cop cars
At first I got a lot of stuff like that, then I had the exhaust done 
Seriously though, this car could have neon orange flames and a Mad Max blower and people would still move out of the way. On the highway it's great, you can cruise the middle lane at the speed limit and "part the seas". The only annoying part is in town, every once in awhile you'll get stuck behind a yokel doing 20 under to ensure he doesn't get popped.
The absolute best is track days though. You've never seen anybody give a point-by faster than when there's 4,000Lbs of push-bumper filling up the rear view. 
I just knew you were going to say something here....hehe
I found my black ones to be the most effective they seem to sneak up on people, then when they glance back and their eyes go like saucers, brakes go on, seatbelts click on, kids sit down, beer bottles get the drift.
Oh and mine had huge green and yellow signage on them, made no difference.
Thought i would chip in....
My 2002 CVPI is FOR SALE
hint hint
Car is a freakin blast to drive. Feels light to drive, easy to steer, you sit high, and there is lots of room inside for stuff.
I used to DD mine for 6 ish months. During these months my daily commute time went from 24 minutes to a tick over 13 minutes. Pedestrians, deer, traffic in front of you, air traffic, bird poop all get out of your way faster then you can imagine. This will happen during the day with me in a cut off tee shirt or at night. My personal favorite was a black jacket in the winter, just completed he look.
Buy one. i think everyone should drive or own one for a while. My girlfriend drove it around for a bit and was laughing like an idiot. she kept saying how fast it kept wanting to go. felt like it wanted to only drive over 80 mph. my buddy "stole" it from me and laughed about how fun it was.
Its fun. Bottom line.
Makes me smile just thinking about it
^^^^Yea I let some friends barrow mine to get some beer for a party we were at and when I was on my way home I thought it dose not take that much gas to get t othe store and back. Ah they had a little fun. By the way I dont let my friends drink and drive.