Have a set of injectors that have been stored with fuel in the rails for a few years. They're currently out and sitting on the workbench. Can I soak them in chem dip carb cleaner? This is for the challenge car and I'm just trying to be prevented Tiff about things. Don't know if there's any issue with them or not.
I would not. It may eat the plastic.
I think dipping them would be a horrible plan. You could perhaps spray cleaner, but I would want to be able to run gas through fairly soon afterwards.
Ok. So, pretty much leave it the hell alone. Got it.
Thats why i asked before proceeding.
When I bought my old Hayabusa the bike had only been ridden around the neighborhood at low speed for a few years and the high-speed injectors were clogged. I pulled the rail, pulled the injectors. Clicked them open with a 9v battery and test leads, then blasted through them with a can of CRC Throttle Body & Air-Intake Cleaner until I got a clean spray pattern. I figured the throttle body cleaner would be a bit less harsh than carb cleaner. Slapped them back in and the bike ran great for the several years and 15k miles I owned it.
In reply to Caithness :
I wouldn't have thought to use a 9v battery. Makes total sense!
6/14/18 9:37 a.m.
I've "rebuilt" injectors by replacing the screen filters, pintle caps and o-rings. You're good to use carb/throttle cleaner, but I wouldn't use anything stronger. Gas is a pretty good solvent.
The chem dip carb cleaner stuff will dissolve rubber and many plastics, or at the very least turn them into a squidgy jellylike substance.
The newer stuff isn't as good as the good old days where you could turn a valve seal into a ring, but it's still nasty stuff. But it's awesome at removing carbon and anything carbon-related.
Get a spare connector and jump the injector to a battery to open it. Spray carb cleaner through it. A lot.
I usually use a cheap ultrasonic cleaner like the one from harbor freight and toss some cleaner in it to give it a boost.
In reply to AwesomeAuto :
Those ultrasonic cleaners are amazing for cleaning small passages. I had a cousin who used those to clean metering blocks on junkyard holley's.
Xceler8x said:
In reply to AwesomeAuto :
Those ultrasonic cleaners are amazing for cleaning small passages. I had a cousin who used those to clean metering blocks on junkyard holley's.
I was surprised how well the $30 harbor freight ultrasonic cleaner and some ZEP cleaner did together for fuel injectors. Throw in a couple of injectors, fill with water, splash in an ounce or two of ZEP industrial, and watch the dirt melt off.
In reply to AwesomeAuto :
Think that would work for TBI injectors, too? Been trying to come up with a good way to clean them since I can’t exactly stick a hose on the inlet and spray cleaner into them. Was going to rig them up to the fuel line portion of the TBI assembly and hope that works, but the ultrasonic cleaner sounds easier
Yeah it should work fine. I usually sit my injectors on something so that the electrical connector is sticking out of the fluid, that way I can open/close them while they clean to make sure all of the gunk is out of them.
Get a halfway decent cleaner. Something that is concentrated so you can just mix a little in the water. ZEP cleaners are my personal favorite after a LOT of trials with other cleaners.
Dusterbd13 said:
I'm just trying to be prevented Tiff about things.
And Tiff said "Why do you want to prevent me!?"

Posting with speech-to-text? 
Just save your self time and money and send them to Marren and they'll come back clean with dyno sheets and new o-ring. Last Time i did it was $24 each and turn around was 3 days.
I will never mess with an injector again, just send'em off.
44Dwarf said:
Just save your self time and money and send them to Marren and they'll come back clean with dyno sheets and new o-ring. Last Time i did it was $24 each and turn around was 3 days.
I will never mess with an injector again, just send'em off.
~$200 for a set of 8 seems like a waste when you can get replacements for that price.
I usually decap stock truck injectors, clean/flow them up to 75 lb/hr, and sell sets of 8 for $150.