I don't have a garage to protects water only coping system from freezing. Normally in the southeast this isn't a problem. But apparently Georgia is now a Canadian province and we are in the middle of a 2 week freeze. What do my northern brethren do to deal with this issue? I'd prefer to avoid flushing an filling a glycol infested coping system in march.
Spell check get ya?
If your not moving it under its own power soon I'd drain the radiator and the block.
if it isn't going to be driven why not drain it, blow as much air as possible through system and leave it empty and in the garage for 2 weeks, then refill with water.
I put glycol in it because leaving it empty causes rust.
If you have to drain it - you still have to fill it again. It's not much more work to drain half of it, dump a gallon of prestone in, run it until warm to mix it, then drain and fill it again in the spring.
Apparently my phone is afraid of saying cooling. I don't blame it right now....
I guess I don't have many options as it is outdoors and may need to be moved at any given moment.
itsarebuild wrote:
What do my northern brethren do to deal with this issue? I'd prefer to avoid flushing an filling a glycol infested coping system in march.
I think the northerners use an ethanol-based coping system in the winter. At least that appears to be likely from watching some of those ice racing videos on the youtubes.
It's 10 degrees and snowy here. I sent mine for 2 weeks to the washington auto show. It's nice and warm....

they sell this stuff at auto parts stores and Wal Mart called "anti-freeze". it's green, and it has magical properties that keep water from freezing until it gets way colder than you are ever going to see.