The dilemma: Our final event is a 2-day. In the mountains in Frostburg, Md. November 22-23. Forecast is looking at light snow/rain mix the week before, and maybe during that weekend. Temps looking like mid-30s during the day (at highest) and 20s at night....with plenty of wind chill (it's windy as hell there always).
We run on deep gravel surface. I don't expect any significant snow accumulation by then, but there could be a little bit, and with those temps if there is recent rain it could be icy on gravel.
So the dilemma is this: tires. I have medium-compound DMacks, and I have winterforces. What should I consider the cutoff to be between using the rally tires and the snows in terms of conditions, since I know gravel tire compounds get really hard and brittle around freezing temps...?
Note that I don't care if I destroy either set of tires. This is the last event of the season, and I have to win both days to win the season points. So I want whatever is going to be fastest, without concern of which one will "hold up" better.
Of note, Nick (leading me by 2 points) will have the same dilemma, so tire choice could be the deciding factor that weekend.