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ProDarwin MegaDork
11/30/23 1:00 p.m.
Peabody said:
ProDarwin said:

I think people treat a downvote as disagreement, when in fact it is a vote to censor.

And if you think that the way a post is hidden after so many down votes is censoring it, I think you've not thought this through.

What's the first thing somebody does when they see a post hidden? They click on it to see what it is, so it virtually guarantees that people see it. So I suggest it's rather the opposite of censorship

Thats fair.  I should reword my prior post.  A downvote is a vote to hide a post.

I disagree with the way they are used/the system.


Mndsm MegaDork
11/30/23 1:02 p.m.

So, I've been noodling this for a good long bit. Between washing a blanket, taking pictures of cheese sandwich positively crushing a Sunbeam, and having a shower, I've come to some thoughts. 


1- none of us are op. I checked. I am not op. It's definitely not Cleveland outside. I've been to Cleveland. 


2- that's really about it. 


It sounds like he's got multiple valid reasons why carrying that amount of cash isn't feasible for him. I've carried that much cash before. Sounds like several of us have. It's not the most comfortable feeling. Maybe op isn't down with it, can't say I blame him. It also sounds like ops bank of choice (USAA?) isn't exactly wells fargo, so they aren't as readily accessible to acquire a large amount of cash in excess of what one could pull out of an ATM. This can be a problem. He offered the seller what THEORETICALLY should have been a valid alternative, but for whatever reasons that are presumably only known to the seller (and I'm assuming also valid, we're still talking a 10 stack in Cleveland here) were not viable. Frustrating, but not the end of the world. 


This brings me to my next thought. I think the most OBVIOUS reason to not want to carry 10 large on you, with someone knowing where you're fixing to be at an approximate time is the idea of that being liberated from you by force. Now, I don't know how many of you have had your lives threatened. I mean really, truly you are going to berkeleying die threatened. I can say that it's happened to me more than once. I don't particularly enjoy the experience, and it's made me wary of situations where that might be an occurrence. Having 10k in cash on me going to meet a stranger sounds like a potential for that to happen. Now, were it any of the myriad of you that I've met in person before? No problem. Reasonably sure Patrick isn't gonna stick me for my $$$. But they taught us stranger danger for a reason and that E36 M3 stuck with me. Maaaaybe op has that in his head too. 

We can go back and forth all day espousing the virtues of cash vs electronic payments, checks, wampum, or the philosophy that currency is only as valuable as everyone agrees that it is. (which is true- a dollar is only a dollar because everyone agrees it's a dollar. )


I think however the point everyone is missing is, there isn't a right or a wrong here. I noticed a lot of CASH IS KING IS THE ONE TRUE ANSWER type posts and that simply isn't true. Just the same as there is no one true king in automobiles, or pie (except it's key lime ya heathens) there's no WRONG way to handle the transaction as long as everyone gets what they need. If rico decides he'll take my PS5, my pink new balances, and my dryer for his excursion, is that any different than a cash deal? He got what he wanted, I got what I wanted, the end. (Only problem is swmbo is gonna be pissed I traded the dryer for a truck). 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/30/23 1:02 p.m.
mfennell said:
RevRico said:
mfennell said:

A cashier's check can be confirmed with a call to the issuing bank.  How can that be faked?  The money is no longer in the person's account and they can't cancel it.  It's even FDIC insured if the bank were to fail.  As I mentioned up-thread, it's actually quite a process to get the money back in your account if you lose one.  It can take 90 days.

A word document and a second cell phone/second person with a phone makes them just another piece of paper unless you're physically at the bank watching it get printed out, and at that point you might as well just use cash. 

Anyone who falls for that deserves to be fleeced.  You look up the bank yourself and call that number.  

I don't disagree, but between privacy and the number of worthless regional/online only banks, it's still a good scam. Give someone with some motivation a couple hours and "mfennell bank and trust" can be the first full page of Google results, reviews and all, despite not even existing except on the piece of paper that claims to be a cashier check. 

People are STUPID. Scammers are not. 

mfennell HalfDork
11/30/23 1:02 p.m.


Peabody said:

mfennell said:
docwyte said:

Cash or money wire for me only whenever I've sold a car.  Cashiers checks/bank checks are too easily faked, I won't accept them. 

A cashier's check can be confirmed with a call to the issuing bank.  How can that be faked? 

Good luck with that. The banks around here won't tell you ANYTHING over the phone, because privacy

Yes, I addressed that with an edit.  A cashier's check has no personal information on it except the payee's.  It's from the bank and they will tell you if they wrote it or not.  I'm sorry your friend got scammed but it's easy to avoid.

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 1:07 p.m.

In reply to RevRico :

I have seen the successful attempts to make cash harder and harder to use, over my time. Foutunaly, they haven made it yet. 

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/30/23 1:40 p.m.
ProDarwin said:
03Panther said:
ProDarwin said:

This thread is an example of why the downvote system is dumb.

I haven't been around much (a lot because I'm not capable of avoiding this kind of nonsense) since it started, but I sorta think it works, since a person can open to look, if they care to. 
If I post something ugly, and it gets there, that's one more thing for me to consider if others think I crossed a line. I may still not agree with all of them, but it a thing to consider. 

But as I say, I haven't seen a lot of it, so donno. 

I think people treat a downvote as disagreement, when in fact it is a vote to censor.

I'm not against censorship on a private forum, but in this case the posts censored are very much on topic.  They are not a threat, political rant, batE36 M3 crazy conspiracy theory, or against any forum rules, its just simply an opinion that is in the minority.  OP is just expressing his frustration with payment methods, a pretty fair position to hold.

Not disagreement with the content of the post, but disagreement with the way the content was presented. 

Start with the following comment on page one. It got the downvote because the only person in this thread that is testy is the OP. He's pissed that the seller didn't do things the way he thought they should and assumed that everyone would agree with him. When that didn't happen we got this:

Interesting how some people get very testy over a simple rant.

If this had been worded differently it probably wouldn't have gotten downvoted. Something like this, "I'm surprised at the number of people who don't agree with me." Or possibly, "Wow, there are more of you that only deal in cash than I thought." Instead, we got a snippy comment that other readers didn't appreciate.  Rather than calling him out, they just click the thumbs-down button and move on with their days.

Then the OP doubled down with even more snippy comments. Thus, more downvotes. 

There are plenty of people who agree with him that didn't get downvoted because they were respectful in their disagreement. No snippy comments, just a statement of agreement and possibly anecdotal evidence of it working. 

Think of the downvote button as a good friend sitting next to you telling you when you're being a dick. If you get enough of them to hide your post, it's not censorship, it's just that many of us think you are being an shiny happy person and should take it down a notch or two. 




codrus (Forum Supporter)
codrus (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/30/23 1:59 p.m.

Mmm, I love key lime pie. :)



03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 2:07 p.m.

In reply to Toyman! :

Really like your wording. That's the way I saw it as well. 
I've been down voted that way; still don't think I was in the wrong, and enough others agreed with me, but it's a public forum. THEY have the right to not like what I said. I didn't get at all offended. It was more polite than calling me an azz. (I wasn't really wrong, but I was being an azz) 

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 2:09 p.m.

In reply to codrus (Forum Supporter) :

On another note, my wife (born and raised in Homestead) make one of the best Key Lime Pies I've ever had! laugh

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 2:12 p.m.

If the OP was still involved, we'd be way off topic. Well, we still are, but I think is ok, at this point. Now some of us are having a polite discussion about forum demeanor. And I, for one, need the edu-ma-cation. 

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/30/23 2:12 p.m.

Pie is good. See the pie thread to see how wrong many of you are.


Simply the Best Blueberry Pie (Recipe) - Sally's Baking Addiction

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 2:15 p.m.

In reply to Toyman! :

I never was too much of a pie eater. That pie is gorgeous, however. 
Now that I can't process the sugars well, it's making my mouth water. 
BTW, didn't you start losing some weight? I dropped 35 over the last 9 months. 

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/30/23 2:25 p.m.

In reply to 03Panther :

Start? Yes. 

Get anywhere? Well, I stopped gaining. I guess that's a start.

I may have also moved it around some. Maybe less fat and more muscle. But not significantly.




z31maniac MegaDork
11/30/23 2:32 p.m.
Toyman! said:
ProDarwin said:
03Panther said:
ProDarwin said:

This thread is an example of why the downvote system is dumb.

I haven't been around much (a lot because I'm not capable of avoiding this kind of nonsense) since it started, but I sorta think it works, since a person can open to look, if they care to. 
If I post something ugly, and it gets there, that's one more thing for me to consider if others think I crossed a line. I may still not agree with all of them, but it a thing to consider. 

But as I say, I haven't seen a lot of it, so donno. 

I think people treat a downvote as disagreement, when in fact it is a vote to censor.

I'm not against censorship on a private forum, but in this case the posts censored are very much on topic.  They are not a threat, political rant, batE36 M3 crazy conspiracy theory, or against any forum rules, its just simply an opinion that is in the minority.  OP is just expressing his frustration with payment methods, a pretty fair position to hold.

Not disagreement with the content of the post, but disagreement with the way the content was presented. 

Start with the following comment on page one. It got the downvote because the only person in this thread that is testy is the OP. He's pissed that the seller didn't do things the way he thought they should and assumed that everyone would agree with him. When that didn't happen we got this:

Interesting how some people get very testy over a simple rant.

If this had been worded differently it probably wouldn't have gotten downvoted. Something like this, "I'm surprised at the number of people who don't agree with me." Or possibly, "Wow, there are more of you that only deal in cash than I thought." Instead, we got a snippy comment that other readers didn't appreciate.  Rather than calling him out, they just click the thumbs-down button and move on with their days.

Then the OP doubled down with even more snippy comments. Thus, more downvotes. 

There are plenty of people who agree with him that didn't get downvoted because they were respectful in their disagreement. No snippy comments, just a statement of agreement and possibly anecdotal evidence of it working. 

Think of the downvote button as a good friend sitting next to you telling you when you're being a dick. If you get enough of them to hide your post, it's not censorship, it's just that many of us think you are being an shiny happy person and should take it down a notch or two. 




Perfectly said. I've told a certain few friends for years, that even if they have a good point, yelling/being condscending isn't going to endear you to anyone. 

I know I can be a jerk sometimes, but I'm making a conscience effort to be less abrasive. 


Also Key Lime, Blueberry, etc, all good to me!

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 2:50 p.m.

In reply to z31maniac :

Words for us all.  Or most of us laugh

Peabody MegaDork
11/30/23 3:18 p.m.

I've never had Key lime pie, but I've garnered more upvotes in this thread than normal.

1988RedT2 MegaDork
11/30/23 4:08 p.m.

Key Lime pie is like money.  Cash money.  You know, the paper kind.  It's very good.

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 4:16 p.m.

In reply to Peabody :

If ya stop by L. A. ( the southern one, Lower Alabam') on the way to FL sometime, my wife would be glad to rectify that laugh

I'd never had it before I married her 15 years ago! 


wearymicrobe PowerDork
11/30/23 4:24 p.m.
SV reX said:

In reply to wearymicrobe :


Let me see if I can find a photo from about a decade ago. Did a huge buy at around 2.1 millon. Had to be cash for a variaty of reasons at the time. Bank got called, security got brought lots of moving pieces. They had it all stacked up and someone took a photo and sent it to me in the mail. Had to have someone confirm each persons portion of the buy one at a time. I got a prowler and SRT10 ram out of the deal, most of the buyers were there for the exotic stuff.

We all used to play poker and know each other so it was more funny then weird. IRS got there forms all legal and taxes paid same as doing it digitally. Worst thing I have had to deal with was a 35K purchase all in 20s. That we had to get bank approval for and a special call to the IRS but it all worked out fine on my end. Not sure about theirs. 

Peabody MegaDork
11/30/23 5:42 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:

Key Lime pie is like money.  Cash money.  You know, the paper kind.  It's very good.

You heard it here first. Key lime pie is king

Mndsm MegaDork
11/30/23 5:50 p.m.
Peabody said:

I've never had Key lime pie, but I've garnered more upvotes in this thread than normal.

there was the time I weaponized key lime pie and added cheesecake to the mix .....

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/30/23 6:35 p.m.
Mndsm said:
Peabody said:

I've never had Key lime pie, but I've garnered more upvotes in this thread than normal.

there was the time I weaponized key lime pie and added cheesecake to the mix .....

That looks pretty tasty. 

Peabody MegaDork
11/30/23 6:42 p.m.

I've never eaten cheesecake 

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
11/30/23 6:47 p.m.

In reply to Peabody :

My landlady made cheesecakes for profit, but she only accepted cash. 

03Panther PowerDork
11/30/23 7:10 p.m.

In reply to SV reX :

Good thing the OP is gone; I don't think he'd of appreciated how funny that is cheeky

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