anyone know what the smallest AC compressor i can find is? id like to do a low mount in my duster, down where the fuel pump used to be.
ive looked at all the sanden coversion kits, but they all mount them at the top center of the engine.
this is a small block 70 k-frame car.
id also prefer it to be a factory compressor off of something, so that way i can find replacements down the road. ill fab my own brackets, hoses, etc for this.
thanks for any help
the first question I have is... do you want it to work?
The whole system is set up to work together. If you randomly reduce the displacement of the compressor it might not work at all, or it might just work like crap.
In reply to Dusterbd13:
Valeo makes a really small compressor, which is actually branded Zexel. But like Curtis said, the system needs to be balance, and the smaller the compressor the less BTU capacity. If you want an A/C system but don't mind it underperforming, then this would work for you. If you're interested I can sell you one, or most Sanden models also, just PM me and I'll get you price and availability.
compressor / evaporator / condenser sizing is proportional to interior volume. want a small compressor? go look at small cars in the junkyard. a miata compressor's gotta be pretty small....