the more i think about it and the more i look at similar trucks on CL it seems like it would be a easy and reasonably quick flip to make some quick cash. and since he is local its not really even a waste of time to go check it out.
and ive also found a clean 1uz swapped cressida with a 5 speed swap for sub $3k that may be in my future if this works out 
Why wouldn't he just sell the truck and buy your bike if it were that easy?
Thats what I was wondering - Sounds like a real reach to me, I would be very wary of the Powerstroke for things like Lucas in the trans, motor honey, dead cylinder, etc. That will turn a $5000 truck into a $500 paperweight pretty fast.
well the amc guy cant make it today so we are gonna shot for meeting this weekend. powerstroke guy is coming to see the bike after work tomorrow so ill check the truck out then.
anything powerstroke specific i should look out for during the once over and test drive?
First bike? Sell it and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to get it back.
Appleseed wrote:
First bike? Sell it and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to get it back.
bikes just aren't my thing man, its fun to ride but now its all finished its just that... finished, theres really nothing more i can do with it now. i desperately miss having a fun car to tinker around on and slowly improve everything about it, always working toward the next goal, trying to make it better then whats-his-names car. plus with cars there is always something you can compete in, drag, auto-x, rally-x, etc. thats just stuff you dont get into with a bike
For the Powerstroke stuff -
Rust above the rear wheels and cab corners
Rotted out bed supports(rails that run across the frame to support the bed)
Should start smoothly cold or warm, might crank a bit longer than a gasser if you're not used to it.
Should start "all together" not gradually pick up cylinders till it starts running.
Should idle extremely smooth - no miss, hunting idle, etc.
Should start in 50 degree weather OR after warmed up immediately - no need to run the glows. I only need the glows for the first start of the day if its butt ass cold.
Check operation of Overdrive Off light - should work - some people disable them to prevent codes from being shown. Blinking OD Off light is bad.
Will need a front end done unless done in last 2 years (Ball joints, etc)
Any wear item, take the price you are used to paying and double it, its a real deal heavy duty truck with appropriate part costs.
Check for oil in the coolant reservoir, could be bad head gasket or injector O-rings or oil cooler.
Look for weeping oil coooler.
Inspect oil pan. 7.3s have rust problems with the oil pan and the engine absolutely has to come out to swap pans on the 4x4s, not so sure about the 2WDs
Tell me more about the Cressida. Sounds fun.
4/8/15 3:35 p.m.

I thought we were talking about one of these until I clicked the link, and wondered what the hell all the palaver was about? AMX AMC hey close right?
Appleseed wrote:
Tell me more about the Cressida. Sounds fun.
rust free car, on coilovers and set pretty low, the kid seems like hes into drift cars so probably what it was intended for. for the money it seems like a good deal
and its one of those deals where i dont want to share the link until i know im not going to get it haha but it wouldnt be to hard to find if someone where to put in a little searching 
If you balk at it, please post a link
Appleseed wrote:
First bike? Sell it and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to get it back.
I had a very poor time on my first bike lol. I might want it again in like 20 years but not any time soon.
got some more info on the truck, ac doesnt only not work... its been taken out of the truck
also manual windows and locks, that will make it harder to flip for a price that is worth the effort so 98% sure the truck is a pass.
i do have a set plan to meet up with the AMC friday evening, he is basically dead set on a trade so if the car checks out its a done deal. he also told me he wont meet if its raining because for the year and a half he as had the car he's never let it see a drop of rain which is promising on the hopes for only a little rust, or maybe the wiper just dont work haha 
well powerstroke guy came yesterday and i have to admit, that was one of the cleanest powerstroke trucks ive seen with over a quarter million miles, not a spot of rust on it, engine and trans seemed fine, pulled a little under braking and powersteering pump was whinning but beside that it was decent. I still told him i wasnt interested in a trade, he said if he can get the truck sold he will bring cash.
just talked the the AMC guy and we will be meeting tonight, he put "new" used tires on it for the trade, and he as assured me that the only rust is on the floor boards. it seems like he is a good guy and genuinely takes car of the car. he called me today to make sure we were still on to meet because he didnt want to put more miles on the car (he's an hour from where we are meeting) if i wasnt going to show.
hopefully tomorrow ill be putting up pictures of my new amc 
well bad news, the AMC was total E36 M3, he called me twice on friday before i left to meet him to make sure i was positive i would trade and i told him i would as long as the car was in the condition he had told me, the car was about 10x worse, car was dirty, about every suspension joint was rattling, brakes were crap, the "new" used tires were crap, oil pressure light was coming on and off and every part of the body (grill, trim, tail lights, interior, ect) that could be loose was loose and rattling. 
so keeping the bike for now, the hunt continues!