Here is the existing TPS and throttle shaft(this is from a BMW throttle body):

I am unable to use this one for 2 reasons:
1. I cut the boss off of the throttle body to gain clearance for other things
2. The BMW TPS is not has no physical spring and is a 6 wire TPS...I need a 3 wire TPS for Megasquirt. The shaft itself turns counter-clockwise(when looking at the end with the TPS)
My original plan was just to use one from whatever Dodge I found in the junkyard....but just seeing if there better small TPS options with narrower bolt hole spreads. Any TPS I end up getting will have to be modified by installing the little plastic insert from the BMW TPS. Any suggestions are welcome before I go junkyard diving to find something that will work.
For that matter you could use the whole throtal body from a 951
Why not use a whole different tb?
I use one from a '96 Ford F150 300 cid 6 cylinder on my X1/9. It can be driven from either side and is quite small. I will post photo later today.
2/28/20 9:10 a.m.
In reply to TurnerX19 :
I believe I have a spare one of those sitting around. No clue if it works, though.
For small, maybe look at used throttle bodies for 4 wheelers?
TurnerX19 said:
I use one from a '96 Ford F150 300 cid 6 cylinder on my X1/9. It can be driven from either side and is quite small. I will post photo later today.
They are ITBs, just one of them has a TPS(well..2 of them have a TPS, but will only be using one).

With a little bit of trimming of the plastic coupler from the stock BMW TPS coupler/insert thing it seems that this 4.0L Jeep TPS I had sitting around will work...not sure there is any other 3-wire TPS with a narrower bolt pattern so I may well use this one, will just need to weld a new boss onto the TB to be able to bolt it up
Here are some photos. I have a spare in a box too. Mine has worked on the Fiat for 13 years and 60k miles, Megasquirt 1.2 NAPA # 2-20169.

Dimension showing on the caliper is the bolt spacing.