My buddy has an 05 Gmc Yukon that won't shift out of first gear at WOT, and on the highway when you hit an incline instead of downshifting it will drop into neutral. He took it to a GM dealership and they sold him a trans flush. He took it to an independent shop he'd used before, but the mechanic he trusted no longer worked there, and they told him it needed a tune up, a throttle body, and a fuel filter. What they didn't bother to check was his service history; he had paid for a fuel filter there about 4 months ago. Needless to say he paid the diag fee and took his car back. Thats when he got me involved. I'll be the first to admit that automatic transmissions are like black arts to me, I'm convinced that pure evil makes them work, and I have no interest in learning anything to the contrary. That said, I need to send my buddy somewhere that won't screw him. Preferrably on the west side of town (Bellevue) but anywhere in the greater Nashville area will do.