Wasn't quite sure how to word the title..., but:
1987 Tercel (or Turd-cel or Turzzzzzzel) -new DD that when I get it in shape should give me -hopefully- around 40mpg. It has the 1.5, 4-speed and is carbed. PO pulled/plugged/cut most of the vacuum tubes.
In first and second the car winds out like it should. I can get to 5000 with no problem. But. When I shift into third and fourth I can only get about 2500 rpm. It seems to fall over and refuses to go any higher. I would think it was the emissions mess normally, but what would cause this only to happen in third and fourth??
Also, any decent Tercel sites out there so I can ask these kinds of questions and/or do some searches?
too much drag to overcome when the car is moving faster? maybe the ecm retards timing in higher gears, and for some reason it thinks it's in "crusing" mode when you shift into 3rd or 4th gear for some reason.
Stupid question, but doe the Distributor have a vacuum advance? If he cut the Vacuum hoses, that could be a problem.
First you should make sure the trans. fluid level is correct, if it is get the TPS and shift solenoid checked. If those are all good it's probably a problem with the transmission control unit (which may be integrated into the ECU).
Bring the vacuum lines up to snuff, try again.
novaderrik wrote:
too much drag to overcome when the car is moving faster? maybe the ecm retards timing in higher gears, and for some reason it thinks it's in "crusing" mode when you shift into 3rd or 4th gear for some reason.
What kind of ecu does it use with a carburetor?
Also a quote from my high school years : A Toyota doesn't want to leave you stranded but a Tercel doesn't give a ****.
My dad used to have a Tercel, it was dead-nuts reliable. It definitely didn't see the inside of a shop more than once per year (which maybe wasn't enough for regular oil changes, looking back at it...)
Is that the vintage with the variable venturi carb? If so, just set it on fire now. Life will be much simpler.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Stupid question, but doe the Distributor have a vacuum advance? If he cut the Vacuum hoses, that could be a problem.
My first thought too. They're all good.
I'll check along the trans to see if there are any open lines. And I was going to go back to the factory setup for the vacuum lines, but there must be something missing. Too many lines for too few connection points. I wanted to go to a junkyard and see if I could pull whatever I needed, but things things are apparently all gone and I get this moment of silence on the phone when asking if there's one in the yard...
Fuel pump crapping out/plugged fuel filter?
Under the reduced load, the fuel in the bowl is sufficient to run you to redline in the lower gears, but in the higher gears where the engine gathers momentum more slowly, it can run out of fuel.
Also... emissions style carbs usually have the bowl vents going to the charcoal canister rather than to the air cleaner. I wonder if the rocket surgeon who yanked out all the vacuum hoses capped off the bowl vent.
good point on the carbs.
It could also be that your turdcel is so down on power that it simply does not have the oomph to rev out in the higher gears anymore?
Charcoal canister....that looks like what might be missing...
I'll check the routing for that and the filters too.