It's not looking so good.
Short form: Palatov sold the car when he was done with it and a local guy bought it. He showed up at one or two track days with a bit of a digital driving style, and eked out a fast time due to Hoosiers and horsepower. Haven't seen him on the track for a year or so.
Well, we probably won't see much of him for a while now. This happened about a mile from my house on my "around the block" test loop.
The "Bradley roadster" is probably a VW kit car title being used for registration purposes.
Crashed on a smooth, straight piece of road with some houses nearby.
Google maps
looks like the frame held up better than an average car would have all things considered. . . funny that I read this on GRM before the local news.
guess I need to tune in more. lol
Shame about the car.
Having to be cut from an atom.....hardly anything to cut, must have pinned him.
It was apparently on the 10 pm news last night and my mother-in-law called me about it because it was so close to our house and she figured I'd know the car - I'm out of town. But they didn't have a picture online until this morning, so I didn't realize what the "Bradley Roadster" was. Bummer, it was possibly the best developed Atom out there.
Ouch, I hope he's alright.
Save that kind of driving for the track, less trees to hit.