I beat the E36 M3 out of them with a hammer, pried with a pry bar, jedi mind tricked it, and still nothing. I know they are similar to an f-body with the drum/disc but I never had an issue with those. Any pointers? Replaced the fronts in like 5 minutes per side. I just threw the towel in on the day for the rears for now until I can find a better solution.
6/29/13 1:43 p.m.
I'm assuming the e-brake is off?
Is the rotor spinning, or when you hammer on it, is it moving at all. Or is it behaving as if it's bolted to the hub?
You could have a rust lip in the e-brake drum that the shoes are hung up on.
ebrake off
more hitting with hammer.
That e-brake got me a few times :D
6/29/13 3:39 p.m.
You probably have a lip inside the parking drum. Unless you want to berkeley up your e-brake system, don't wack on it with a hammer. Try this first.
There is a little rubber cover at the bottom of the backing plate. You take it off and it should look like this:

Then you use a screw-driver to retract the drum shoes as much as possible

It might be really rusty so you might have to WD40 it first. Even then, it might still be stuck. THEN you it the rotor with a BFH. But be warned that you will probably have to repair some of the drum system.
ebrake is off and thanks for the info fanfoy. Will give it a go tomorrow. Plasti-dipping stuff on the civic now and catching up on dexter!