so, I spent a WHILE getting the old lock cylinder out of the el camino ignition switch. in the process, I messed up some of the metal casting. after filing, etc., I got it all to work properly again. cleaned all the shavings out of both the lock cylinder and the switch.
now I need to know what to grease it with, as the old grease was pretty crusty. I cleaned it out with brake clean, as that was the only thing that would touch the old solidified grease.
its drying over night, and id like to pack it tomorrow.
what do I use?
what year El Camino are we talking about here?
68 and older with the dash mounted switch, or the 69 and newer with the column mounted switch?
assuming it's the latter: just put some graphite in there and call it good... not too much, tho, or you will make a mess..
For the key lock, dry lube like graphite works superbly.
For the electrical switch, just about any grease will work on the sliding surfaces. Beware the conductivity of the likes of graphite here!
dash mounted. early 64 to be exact.
I was thinking graphite for the lock.
had no idea for the innards of the metal casting where the lock slides around though.