Can anyone recomend me an online source for an upholstery kit to recover the seats in my CRX? The old upholstery is slowly deteriorating and coming apart from what looks like UV exposure deteioration. I dont want leather, I would rather have a cloth of some kind. I would also need to redo some some of the seat foams.
Any ready to bolt in options that arent ricey with colours not found in nature.
There was a guy on Honda Tech (dank714 I think) that was selling diy upholstery kits that were pretty good. You might try a search for that, if he is still even doing them.
You can pick up some Integra GSR seats(most comfortable honda seats IMO) and swap seat pans I think. Unfortunately Integra seats in good shape go for $200.
1/17/11 8:22 p.m.
I had some seats re-done at a local upholstery shop. It cost me $50 per bucket. Shop local, you might be surprised.