4/23/14 10:00 a.m.
The Tunatruck finds itself in need of ribbed carriage bolts for the front bed panel. Since I need $4 worth of fasteners, I'd rather not pay $10 shipping to get them. Striking out at Lowes, Home Depot, Fastenal and Tractor Supply.
Ideas on local supplies?
Is there a Fastenal store nearby?
4/23/14 10:04 a.m.
Yes, they no have.
Other options include buying the next larger size and using a hand file to make squares.
4/23/14 10:15 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
Grainger? Graybar?
Nope and Nope, unless I am reading their stuff wrong.
That's all I've got. I have plenty sitting in the warehouse below me but that doesn't really help you.
4/23/14 10:21 a.m.
EvanB wrote:
That's all I've got. I have plenty sitting in the warehouse below me but that doesn't really help you.
Unless you could throw 20 of them in a box and send them to me for $5!!
The ribs keep the headless bolt from spinning, is there anything else that could do it?
Old timey feed store/hardware store/farm store? show us a picture?
Weld nuts on one of the sides and use standard bolts?
Try McMaster-Carr, if they don't have them they don't exist.
They definitely exist but he just doesn't want to pay for shipping.
I am consistently surprised by how difficult specialty automotive hardware is to find. I went to three different places yesterday, including a dealer, to find a flanged metric nylock locknut yesterday, with no results. I just added loctite to the old ones.
EvanB wrote:
They definitely exist but he just doesn't want to pay for shipping.
Whats your time worth & how long have to spent tooling around? Mcmaster does standard overnight shipping that's really cheap - I routinely get shoe boxed sized packages sent for less than $10.
I know its a principle thing, but I'd rather take 10 minutes and order something rather than spend an hour driving around.
4/23/14 8:13 p.m.
I am on a very tight budget month, and spending double the cost of the bolts just to ship them stinks.
At this point I think I am going to weld the thing on.
We are talking about the bed front panel for the truck. I cannot get a good picture right now, but imagine a hunk of sheet metal with a 90 degree bend at the end. The inside of the truck bed is where this flange lives. In the flange are 15 or so round holes. Beneath, right now, is a solid sheet I patched the front of the bed floor with. Stock, there were bolts of some type and welds on all of the raised sections of the bed floor. If the flange had square holes, regular 1" long carriage bolts would be perfect. At this point, especially since I am bedlining, I think a weld in the hole is the cheapest way to go, and certainly no less permanent than stock.
How much did you spend in gas driving to stores to find them?
4/23/14 9:29 p.m.
I drive an electric car
Also, the phone and internet connection were already paid for.
How about button head allen bolts? Do you have any access to the head?

Right, 'cause electricity just comes out of the wall 
tuna55 wrote:
I drive an electric car
Also, the phone and internet connection were already paid for.