September 25, 2012:

This is when I brought 2000L of race fuel across the border.
This Sunday, September 14th, I head out again, but instead of to Seattle, I head to North Lake, Wisconsin!

If anybody knows of cheap trailers for sale (looking for 18' car hauler with dual brakes, needs to be as cheap as possible and as light as possible), let me know as I'd like to buy a new one. Carhauler prices are stupid in Alberta!
That nice one from 2012 is now beat to absolute E36 M3 after being used for rally duty
I need to do better initial prepwork this time around...
So let me get this straight, you are hauling around 2,000 Liters of gasoline?
This is 528 gallons or nearly ten 55 gallon drums?
Typical gas weighs 6 lbs per gallon or 3,168 lbs of fuel.
Then, you are moving this all across an international boarder?
Wow, I can not figure what Canada would want to tax you if they figured it out.
I can imagine getting detained by the US who just somehow must think you are a terrorist.
In the US, moving more than 500lbs of flammables requires placards on a commercial truck and HazMat endorsements needed on Commercial Driver's License. I imagine you could be challenged as to weather this is for personal consumption or to be re-sold (commercial.)
JohnRW1621 wrote:
In the US, moving more than 500lbs of flammables requires placards on a commercial truck and HazMat endorsements needed on Commercial Driver's License. I imagine you could be challenged as to weather this is for personal consumption or to be re-sold (commercial.)
Well THAT was a bit of an alarmist post (and a bit offensive in my opinion, talking down to an invidual you don't know). People transport this much fuel all the time personally or close to it.
Not like I've talked to the jurisdictions involved, or paid the tax and duty before (the picture is definitely photoshopped AFTER the border crossing)... for personal use in Canada, there is no limit. Rule of thumb is to be at 2000L or less, specifically in Alberta. The US is also no limit for personal use (emphasis on the personal use).
That doesn't mean a police officer won't try and disagree with you. But going into Canada, with Canadian border guards to deal with, they will not take issue.
To be fair, I'd NEVER try this going INTO the US. But the US government really does not care what leaves its borders, it is a "bit" more focused on everything coming in haha.
Please allow me to paraphrase the conversation so far.
You state, "I off on an adventure with 2000L."
I reply a little in amazement of the quantity so I restate the qunatity as well as do the math to convert the quantity in to my US way of thinking (Gal/Lb).
The rest of my post is advise to "look out for The Man."
The Canuck Man will be looking for money from you.
The Yankee Man will be looking to treat you as an enemy.
In neither case do I side with The Man. (It is actually very rare for me to side with The Man.)
I never question your decision making skills or driving skills.
I never question your equipment or its ability to make it.
I never question your ability to complete the trip for a second time.
My only points were amazement at the quantity and "watch out for The Man".
Now I will finish with Good Luck.
This should not be read as the flippant version of Good Luck but more specifically, "I hope you have a successful completion to your mission with no trouble of mechanical resources and no unwanted intervention from outside forces of any kind."
9/13/14 7:42 a.m.
That must be one expensive fill up
I'm ~20 miles from North Lake. I'd have a beer or three with you, when you're here.
I never thought John was talking down to you from his post.
Why all those miles to get fuel? I assume you either save a boatload of money or you just cant get it up north?
HiTempguy wrote:
Well THAT was a bit of an alarmist post
You didn't expect that here? 
9/13/14 10:04 a.m.
Maybe in the future you won't have to travel so far for race fuel, and yeah, it does seem to me hauling that amount of highly flammable liquid across an international border should raise some red flags somewhere, and rightly so. I've heard of race teams being busted for carrying fuel in an unmarked trailer, but it doesn't happen often. And yes, that really is a VP race fuel station. I never knew any existed until a day or two ago.
The funny thing is most race fuel that is sold in the Midwest is made in Minn. I dealt with a small refinery that made leaded fuels for aviation (What my company sold.) and racing fuels, as well as unleaded race fuels and they are not far from the twin cities.